Anastasia replied to the topic private health insurance in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago
Hi Ken,
I’m due to have my first baby in November and am going to go private, as I prefer to have the continuity of care provided by seeing the one obstetrician throughout the pregnancy.
One thing you should be aware of – PI will cover you for most of your hospital costs, but as I have recently discovered, it rarely covers the fees for your…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic Bye Bye NSW Property Market (long) in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Some people will be winners in all this.
If you are trying to buy a first-time PPOR in Sydney, the abolishment of stamp duty may help a bit, but the reality is that with a median house price of over $475 000, most (all?) decent houses will be above the cut off limit anyway.
However, for young families/first time buyers who live in regional…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic Damage to IP prior to settlement in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Although I agree you do seem to have to get insurance immediately after signing the contract if you want to be fully covered, I just want to comment that I think this rule stinks. How is it fair that while waiting for settlement, the current owner can continue to collect rent from existing tenants and yet, if the tenants damage anything in…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic Teneriffe apartment opportunity in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Hi Interface,
My partner has a 2 bed, 2 bath unit at Teneriffe that was valued at $320 000 last October. It’s 3 yrs old and a/c but has no views. If you have water views, and the place is a decent size and in good condition 300K sounds pretty good. We recently put the rent up from $260 to $270, but I think you have to be a bit careful with this…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic 99/1 split of IP in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks for the responses guys,
Alf – great – that’s exactly what I wanted to hear!
James – I think I agree with you – if the tax rule gives an example of 70/30 and doesn’t specify any limits, I don’t see how they can have a problem with 99/1. Shall quiz my accountant on this one more time though, just to make sure.
AnastasiaPS Elves -…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic Terrace house in Paddington in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Hi Melbear,
If the tce is in Ok condition and has either a carpark or 3+ bedrooms, OR is a 2-bed in top notch condition I would say $800K is an OK price for the area, but you wouldn’t want to pay much more unless it is in an outstanding position. I think you are always going to pay more in Paddington in the short to median term (equivalent…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic Difference in QLD and NSW in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Stamp duty is less in QLD than NSW if you are buying a property as your PPOR, but I found out recently that QLD is the only state that increases the SD if the property is being purchased as an investment. Not sure if this evens out the difference between the states for SD in the end or not.
Anastasia replied to the topic Watch out – Country NSW investors beware in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Hi Strw23
If you go to there is a section where you can order an online property report on a particular property. It costs $49.50 and the report arrives within seconds of ordering it. I have found this to very useful when you’re serious about a property – it lists the entire sale history of the property for the past few years,…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic building / pest inspection in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
IMHO – what’s a couple of extra hundred bucks and a day for the inspection in the scheme of things? For such a large investment I’d suggest it’s worth the peace of mind to get another opinion that you know is not biased. Although probably unlikely, what if there IS a problem and they’ve tried to cover it up???
Anastasia replied to the topic Real Estate Agents in the forum General Property 21 years ago
I have to agree with Kimmy1 that lately, the agents do seem more inclined to chase buyers than in recent months. In the last three weeks, I’ve had 3 agents call me up after I’ve inspected one of their properties – each one wanted to take down exactly what I was after to buy plus my email address and promised to email when something suitable came…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic Real Estate Agents in the forum General Property 21 years ago
I understand that they are busy people, but so are we as well, and if they don’t intend to take the time to read/answer email queries, they should at least take the email boxes off their property web sites. What do they expect people are going to do if they advertise statements like “email the agent” ?!!
Anastasia replied to the topic company title means less borrowing power? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks for the responses.
I’ve heard it is possible to changeover to strata provided you get all the shareholders (or at least the majority) to agree – is there anything legal to prevent this from happening and does it cost much?
If it is possible to do this without great inconvenience/cost, I don’t understand why anyone would keep a property in a…[Read more]Anastasia replied to the topic Property Auctions in the forum General Property 21 years ago
My beef with auctions is that the property price range quoted by real estate agents never seems to be accurate. Obviously they can’t foretell the future and predict demand on the day of sale, but my experiences over the last few months have indicated that generally, they predict extremely conservative ranges, which can make you think you’re…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic Is the inner west Sydney market softening up?? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Hi again,
Have just come home from an auction – I think I want to take back my earlier comments – at least temporarily… An unrenovated but livable-as-is-for-a-while terrace I liked that should have gone for around 530-550K in today’s market but didn’t. (reasoning for predicted price: needed about 100-120K work, similar house next door sold for…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic Mortgage Choice and brokers in general in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Hi guys,
Thanks for your replies – very reassuring. Silly me – I should have thought of looking on this site first for a broker before I made an appointment to see one. (I got a promotional letter in the mail just at the time I was considering how to proceed with my loan – see Bill – sometimes advertising does work on me!!). However, if that…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic Renos – what to do first to max revaluation? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi Caz,
I think it helps to keep in mind the type of prospective tenants you are likely to get in the area your property is in. Eg retirees/elderly, young families, professionals, students, “trendies” or others – these groups will often have different wants/needs. This can give you an idea re what renovations to undertake.
In general…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Scientist. About to start a part-time postgrad degree as well – not sure how much time that leaves for property investment, but shall attempt it anyway.
AnastasiaAnastasia replied to the topic University specific accomodation in QLD in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi Online (or is it 8???)
When relying on students as tenants, my first thought would be how do you get the rent paid during Nov – Feb when they all take off for some home cooking or head to the beach???
However on this same issue, my tax acc. recently told me about one of his other clients – this guy bought heavily around Wollongong Uni (NSW) a…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic Why rent vs buy if u pay more to rent? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Sometimes it’s simply about lifestyle. My partner and I currently rent inner city Sydney with harbour views from every window – we calculate our rent to be about 35-40% of a mortgage in a similar location. This allows us to live the way we want to (most of the time) and still have money left over for other investments (when possible,…[Read more]
Anastasia replied to the topic FHOG in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hey Jules,
Just to clarify something – your last response seemed to indicate you want to use the FHOG as part of your deposit for an IP??? You can’t do this UNLESS you are planning to live in it within 12 months of buying the property (can rent it out until then if you want). Also, as Elysium has already said, you may be able to claim it…[Read more]
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