amazon196969 started the topic Vendor finance seller questions in the forum Legal & Accounting 7 years, 9 months ago
I am the owner of a duplex pair on one title in Western Australia for sale with the offer of gifted deposit, VF or Rent 2 Buy purchase types. I have had a bit of interest in it since advertising it, so now I need to find answers to a few questions before I proceed.
How do I come to a selling and or deposit figure as a VF or R2B type sale, I am…[Read more]
amazon196969 started the topic Vendor finance seller questions in the forum Legal & Accounting 7 years, 9 months ago
I am the owner of a duplex pair on one title in Western Australia for sale with the offer of gifted deposit, VF or Rent 2 Buy purchase types. I have had a bit of interest in it since advertising it, so now I need to find answers to a few questions before I proceed.
How do I come to a selling and or deposit figure as a VF or R2B type sale, I am…[Read more]
amazon196969 started the topic Offering gifted deposit?? in the forum Legal & Accounting 9 years, 3 months ago
Hi guy’s n gal’s,
I am selling my property with the offer to gift the full deposit so it’s easier to find a buyer as I am moving interstate.
I am not handing the money to them and plan for it to fit in at settlement somehow.
Apart from the capital gains I will pay on the selling price is there anything else I should be aware of or any tips or…[Read more]amazon196969 replied to the topic Caveat on trust property? in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for your input XeniaI actually went in very blind and naive to trust structures and how they opperate I also had a man behind me whom I thought I could trust of whom obviously took total advantage of me and my trust for him, hense the reason I was trustee! This man made me believe he could be removed quite simply as principal and for him to…[Read more]
amazon196969 replied to the topic re:kambalda wa in the forum General Property 19 years ago
I believe majority of investors are disapointed in their purchases here, as lots are still untenanted.
thanx for your time
amazon196969 replied to the topic Trust and Company queries in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 1 month ago
Thank you both for the information given, greatly appreciated and will follow it up with legal advise.
thanks heaps
Kyliethanx for your time