Total Members: 159,740


  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Developers running drainage through our property in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    Thanks for the advice Guys, it has certainly given me some more to think about.I haven't had the chance to speak to the person myself yet, my wife was the one that he approached so I am not sure on all the details yet. I will have to have a chat with him before I make any decision. After reading my first post again I thought it might be worthwhile…[Read more]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Holding Deposit in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I must admit I have had the same thoughts about a holding deposit. As far as I am aware, in NSW it doesn't guarantee you the property, the agent/vendor can't keep the money, and there is no componsation for you if they do decide to sell it to another party.So, What is the point of the Holding Deposit? Do any of you serious NSW investors use a…[Read more]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Room not DA Approved in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Thanks for the info Swerve,

    I will just clarify that the main room downstairs is full height, but the laundry has the low ceiling (it makes you feel like your in Alice in Wonderland [blink]). But the laundry has a properly laid concrete floor and the main room has a dodgy concrete floor…

    This property would be a PPOR for us atm so I would turn…[Read more]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Property Valuer & Mortgage Broker Needed in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Give Alistair Perry at F.R. Perry & Associates a call. He is very good and can do what your after.

    Melb Tel: 03 9662 1999

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic KickStart Programme in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hi Elaine,

    I understand your frustration.

    Do you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on the computer?
    Do you have the Macromedia Flash plugin installed?

    I have to admit its the “forebidden to view or download” that is messing with my thought processes.

    Feel free to PM me or contact me using msn (click on the little msn butterfly below for…[Read more]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Buyers Agents in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Sk8r,

    From what I hear, now that you have asked… they will contact you. [biggrin]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic An article on attitude to debt. in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Great post Mortgage Hunter

    You certainly got my brain ticking.


  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic What are some good investing books? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Sweet,

    I have just finished reading “Trust Magic” by Dale Gatherum-Goss.

    It isn’t about Positive or Negative Gearing as such, but it is a good source of information regarding Trust structures and the benefits/disadvantages of owning property within a trust.

    I am a Quarter of the way through his other book “Tax Battles” and so far it is…[Read more]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Number crunching templates in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi All,

    Everytime I have sent back homework I have been imediatly sent back another email with the bonuses Steve was offering.

    Other than that, last Thursday when we were meant to recieve the next installment of the Kick Start program we were sent the reno video that aliandmike mentioned earlier.

    Looking forward the the next installment on…[Read more]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Commercial Investment Property – Hotel Room in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi tbsuper1,

    I am no expert on this matter, but I thought cross-Collateralizing like that was generally not an advised structure as it complicates things. My understanding of that structure is if you lose one place you can lose them all.

    From what I have picked up on the forums, it is the prefered method to use the equity in a property to get a…[Read more]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic CDATA 2001 in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Thanks for the reply Tools,

    After your response I went back and waded through the poorly structured ABS site and found most of the info I was after. So thanks for inspiring me look again. [biggrin]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic CDATA 2001 in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Good mortgage broker in VIC in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Hi Mark

    Alistair Perry is a forum regular. He resides in Melbourne and is very good.

    His company is Perry Financial Strategies and you can reach him on 03 9662 1999


  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic How to set up loans for multiple properties ? in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Nice Articles Stuart,

    Very Helpfull


  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic RK Cashflow Game in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago

    I have recently got the cashflow 101, 202 and kids E-games. I have found these to be alot better than the actual board game. You can play against up to 4 computer players or you can pay a subscription and play against ppl from across the globe.

    For someone that is not overly intersted in the concept it can be to boring for them, but for myself…[Read more]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Including Wireless Internet with the rent? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Originally posted by Millionaire in training:
    Hi all

    Don’t want to rain on the idea it is a creative one. I am concerned though what happens if the system falls over or is hacked into. Wireless whilst very useful ( I have it on my laptop) can be a hazard to the ill-informed. Not sure how much you know about it.
    I would also wonder what would…[Read more]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Young Club?? in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago

    Originally posted by Dr.X:
    what happens if a 30 year old joins, will they be out the following year when they turn 31?

    I would like to know the answer to this too.

    As I am creeping closer to 30 [eh] I would like to know if I would have to leave my new found friends and associates because I was deemed not young anymore *cries at the thought*

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Young Club?? in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago

    Sound like a good idea to me. I’m 27and in sydney (sounds like a singles ad [blink]) and would love to attend this sort of meeting.

    I would have to agree with Dr.X and THEWIZARD here and say that although its a good idea to spend time with ppl of the same age, the benifit of experience would be a greater incentive for me to turn up.

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Including Wireless Internet with the rent? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hi mja,

    Some ppl (myself included) would prefer to have choice over there speeds, download limits and shaping. This being said, it would be great to move into a place and have some decent internet access while I was organising my own adsl instead of having to use 56k [glum2].

    But when it comes to the general population I am sure that most would…[Read more]

  • AlwayzLearnin replied to the topic Initial Investment Strategy in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    @ calvin

    Thanks for the math’s tutorial. I see what you mean now. This is good advice and now I have added it to my ever growing R.E. Investment arsenal [suave2]

    @ APerry

    Thanks for this information too. I hadn’t thought about the different financial chooses I could make until your post so now I will put a greater emphasis on learning abou…[Read more]

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