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  • alvinn replied to the topic The Investor’s Club in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 8 months ago

    hey guys,
    i am using their service to get my first IP.
    so far so good.
    my support member has guided through every step of the way, and we are at the point of finance approval after which i will fly up to see the property, and if it doesnt suit, i can opt out of the deal.

    let me know if there is any way i can help.


    Who is Alvin from…[Read more]

  • alvinn replied to the topic Sth East Melb Discussion Group in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 8 months ago

    Hey Guys,

    what a fantastic meeting on saturday. It was amazing sitting in a room with like minded individuals and learning all sorts of stuff from everyone, especially Tony and Frank.

    Can you believe we sat for 3 hours!

    Guys, i thought of a better way to manage communication with the group, as some of us dont come to the forums that often, and…[Read more]


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