i disagree. the somersoft property investing forum is a perfect example of how it can work. there are people on the chat channel all hours of the day talking about property and for me its very insightful. there is next to no spamming on the channel.
i am not suggestion that a chat channel should replace the forum but rather compliment…[Read more]
thanks pisces i guess that this is one topic that really got my interest.
i think this could potentially be a forum in its own right, perhaps with subfolders by state.
as long as all the usual caveats are applied and people dont rely on the info in performing their due diligence, i think this initiative will be a huge hit.
valuation at time of conversion from ip to ppor will make no difference at all. they simple proportion off the ip period vs ppor period at time of sale and work out the cgt that way.
my crystal balling is in redfern. i suspect that the govt will be under increasing pressure to clean the place up. the fact that they have already moved south sydney council to the TNT building in the heart of all the trouble is their first step in this direction.
has anyone successfully been able to put a deposit of a house on a credit card (eg, diners or amex)? although i know many cards are able to accept the limit, i cannot think of many agents that would be happy to pay out the retention charges to the credit card provider.
would love to put a house purchase on our cards and collect all those pts
out of curiousity how much are u intending to finance on this purchase? what are the likely repayments going to be?
as for me, i think the next paddo will be redfern and darlinghurst with good growth still left in surry hills. having said that i wouldnt knock back a good opportunity at paddo if one came along and i could afford it
Silly me had a home loan and we were using ING because our loan provider didnt offer an offset facility. Fixed the problem by switching to another loan provider
same here – i love them too, though i wasn’t always like that.
we have a diner’s (our preferred card) and a gold visa for places where diner’s is not accepted.
they are a great way to track expenses while picking up pts along the way. the diners is a charge card rather than a credit card, but in either case we have never paid interest on any of…[Read more]