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  • alisonr replied to the topic Medal Count Down!!!!!! in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Westan

    I moved to Western Australia in 1987, and only go home every 2-3 years to see the family, so I cant really comment on how New Zealanders see themselves these days. However I do hear comments about the lack of strong headmasters and leaders in the New Zealand community, and the detrimental effect of having school based assessments rather…[Read more]

  • alisonr replied to the topic Medal Count Down!!!!!! in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Weston

    Interesting some of the media in NZ is calling for NZ to follow australia’s lead and put more money into sport- Yes again thay want to copy australia, come on guys do something original for a change

    If I remember correctly, Laurie Laurence returned from CANADA with the idea of setting up an Institute of Sport. The rest is history is…[Read more]

  • alisonr replied to the topic Is Section 221D too good to be true??!! in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago


    The form is called a F2036.
    I rang the ATO 2 weeks ago and could get it posted out or I can download it from their site. Anita Bell of “Your Investment Property, how to choose it, pay for it and triple your returns in 3 years-by someone who did it in 2” fame, considers it the best pieces of paper to come out of the ATO

    Alison Richards

  • alisonr replied to the topic Wraps in W.A in the forum Creative Investing 20 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks, I will give them a call.

    Alison Richards


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