Total Members: 159,757


  • alexpk replied to the topic Take a break and review my book? in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years ago

    Hi DraconisV

    Thanks! And all the very best for your HSC!

    Alexander [biggrin]

    Answers come from the courage to ask

  • alexpk replied to the topic Second Mortgage, Carry Back in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Sam

    If you skip to p 300, you will see another paragraph which outlines another example with a second mortgage.

    This is what I reckon this relates to – I hope some of our more experienced forum members out there will set me right if I have got this wrong too.

    Anyway here goes:

    There may be times where the vendor is willing to help you out…[Read more]

  • alexpk replied to the topic Number crunching templates in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Looking forward to Thursday too.

    Could someone help clarify the abbreviations in the pdf templates > under the loans section >

    P/Y: Payment per year?
    N: ?
    Start / End ?
    (PMT)$: per :?

    Thanks, appreciate the help.


    Answers come from the courage to ask

  • alexpk replied to the topic Adelaide in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    You would be able to get info to get started from

    and do a search on adelaide for this forum and your search will bring up more info too.


  • alexpk replied to the topic Of building inspections, agents, and due diligence in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    thanks for the appreciative posts – snowy, calvin, auzzielad. just hopefully adding to the numerous informative nuggets that have also been contributed by so many members of this forum.

    Answers come from the courage to ask

  • alexpk replied to the topic obligations of a trustee in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Thanks Cata and Dr X

    So it looks like I will look further into setting up a Australian Company to be the trustee for an Australian based trust. Beneficiaries can be residents or non-residents – it does not make much difference as each individual handles their own finance matters upon receiving the payments.

    Or alternatively, set up an Australian…[Read more]

  • alexpk replied to the topic any advice for a non-resident? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Forming a Company to be the corporate trustee may be the next thing to explore.

    Since it is a company formed in Australia it is considered an Australian entity. One director will need to be an Australian resident of course.

    Of course then you probably need to also look into what you will face and how to prepare for the distributions to…[Read more]

  • alexpk replied to the topic obligations of a trustee in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    This mght be a naive question [blush2] but can trustee and / or several beneficiaries be residents overseas?

    Spare some time and share some valuable insights. They are always appreciated and will help to jump start someone new to PI.

  • alexpk replied to the topic Picking a Suburb in the forum General Property 19 years ago


    This resource is not free but you may like to consider it.

    I think there is recently a publication by the Property Council of Australia regarding Historic data and projected data which may be relevant to your decision for searching out suburbs. It’s called Australia on the Move.

    all the best

  • alexpk replied to the topic Raising rent in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Hi Don,

    You are such a considerate friend – maybe you are being too considerate?

    Got me thinking about my situation, i have renewed with current tenants for commercial property — but is it possible that they can ask for rent reduction in some circumstances – and what are they?

    Maybe if property value dropped, does this justify them requesting…[Read more]
