Good point, the example is very tennant oriented as it is a long term lease agreement, the rental increase does allow for movement in borrowing capcity however.
That’s right Westan, I think everybody who read this thread can take something from it… the fundamental reason for the site is to help and learn, let’s get back to the fundamentals[^]
Another point which was made- and I am foreign to the way China’s growth has come about (comments would be good)was that China had lost out rhough agriculture of late and therefore pushed more and more people towards the city for money reasons. This in turn led to the surge of property and produce sales as the amount of people living closer to…[Read more]
Cheers Michael, Options are definately the way to go when looking to seal a coupleof deals a t a time and are something I work with.
I’m talking with a council today, I’ll request a dstrict plan while I’m there
Guess work… Yeah sometimes, if the risk is feesible. You’d never base your decision on the hope that council was going to do something to convenience you…
The example came from a place i looked at up the coast… 100% developable and subdevision already approved but only for a certain amount of sub-devides. Pending the completion of…[Read more]
The employment point is quite relevant. I have based some of my desisions on tourist attractiona and holiday destination type places. I’ve found a lot of councils are re-zoning (re regulating) their suburbs due to development. Some areas are strictly agricultural and environmentally protected now… I think it’s good that they have caught some…[Read more]
PeterM, I live locally to Five Dock, could you let me know of any other similar seminars, I would be delighted to go to as many as I could.
Hope everybody had a fantastic christmas and is on a roll for a brilliant New Year…
Take care..
Cheers guys, I appreciate the help. I have a couple of interviews lined up.
AUSTRALIA… What’s your email address? I was actually looking further into property management.
Thanks again guys.[]
There was a post a little while ago concerning EZ-RENT, was anybody able to get that to work using windows[?][?]
I tried with two different windows versions without luck… any sugestions[?]
I hadn’t realised there were so many of us new guys…
I’ve been studying for 6 months now and somewhere along the line received an email about PropertyInvesting???? I love this forum, it’s been great to read up on what everybody else is doing and learn the ins and outs of some of the different methods of investing.
I’m actually looking at Lease…[Read more]
I’d love to check out Property manager Pro… I’ve had look at some other programs, I’m actually still waiting for that version of property tracker to be emailed to me.
I’d really appreciate it OZ
Cheers Alex..
Had a couple of goes at downloading the EZI-RENT package on a couple of different computers with different Windows versions…. NO LUCK
Are there any other programs that anyone’s aware of which is compatible with Windows XL??[?]
Thanks guys… I had kinda come to that conclusion as well… haven’t quite given me any subject answers though.
Has anyone got any other sites which post seminar schedules etc??[]
I’m looking at that type of option right now, instead of selling a currently owned property, I’m trying to source a rental property to organise a lease option on.
We’ve run into some slight problems, though learning really quickly