I am an unemployed Industrial Chemist, unemployed Java Programmer and now self-employed, which I will have to say is the most satisfying employ I have ever had through 19 years of different professions and muck-a-rounds. (Except for bringing up kids!!)
My job involves working long hours but I choose them, talking to people, getting payed cash daily, no boss, holidays whenever I want them, good money and work outdoors. Yes it is true!
Anyone for a Taxi?
[] Always look on straight ahead, you will slow down if you look sideways [8]
G’day Steve and everyone, now that I am aware that half of Australia is reading this great book; will I have to invest OS?[8]
I feel like I may have missed the boat!?
My wife wants me to stop working and start concentrating on this straight away, scary isn’t it?[}]
I also like your icons![8D]
I would also like to know how long for delivery, as I (well, my wife actually!!) really can’t wait?