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  • alan_jay replied to the topic Princeton Property Group in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago

    Hi Swannie,

    Yes i almost brought a unit with them last year. The seminar was very good and i thought they sounded proffesional with a good product. I keyed up the one one one consultation and then they spent a day with me showing me properties. They had done there research and they seemed like they would have good growth. I did find that the…[Read more]

  • alan_jay replied to the topic Property Manager ? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    hi mcollins

    If you have someone already i wouldnt get an agent. I property manage my own property and started with no experience. agents just cost money and dont do anything for it. As for knowledge they are not that knowledge at all. After a year dont it myself i have had no problems. My wife however has a property manager and has had many…[Read more]

  • alan_jay replied to the topic next meeting in Sydney in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    Count me in. Ideally the CBD. Great idea.

  • alan_jay replied to the topic managing rental yourself in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi all,


    Ok there are two books:
    The Australian landlords handbook, Suzi Bilosh
    This is pretty much australia wide

    A very good one is Managing Rental Property, Philip Bellemore. This is for NSW but is still relevant to the other states.

    The rental pak i use i think would be NSW specific but of thios im not sure. In the NSW book the…[Read more]

  • alan_jay replied to the topic Rental Pack in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi Kim,

    In NSW you can get these at some newagencies. There about $7 and about 30%-60% of newsagencies have them. You generally have to aske thru

    Good luck..Alan

  • alan_jay replied to the topic managing rental yourself in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    hi scampush,

    i have one IP (looking at more) but i manage it myself. This saves me $25 per week. When i was looking at renting it out i had a few agents look at it and they thought it would go for about $280pw. Ok after their percentage that leaves me about $255pw. This does not include the cost of finding a tennant which was two weeks rent. Now…[Read more]

  • Hi Rob.

    Im going ahead with Saphire. Thanks much for your feedback. Much appreciated


  • Victoria,

    Thanks for you help it is much appreciated. Ive had a look at there sight and for a 300K lend over a 30 yr period the var rate is 5.95%. The comparison rate is 5.96% so it looks quite good on paper. Will post on here how it all goes


    Will keep you posted on this.

