akn2no replied to the topic Buying 2 lesser properties or 1 higher? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Hi DanziMI have kept an eye on the Cairns market for cash flow positive property and look at the sub $100k end. There were not that many and were in 3 areas; Manoora, Manunda and Edmonton. The yields were toward the 7-8% level. Factors to look at – lot of them are >25yrs old so had limited capital depreciation to c…[Read more]
akn2no replied to the topic To positve or negative gear?? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
hi citybuyerlike you I am a newbie and had started looking to purchase an IP in different parts of Australia a couple of months ago. So went and read as much as I could, purchased investor magazines and visited forums like this one. The basic outcome was that a pasitive cash flow property is far superior to negative gearing – unless you are on…[Read more]