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  • AJMJ replied to the topic Property Investment Groups??????? in the forum General Property 17 years, 3 months ago

    Thank you for that.I know what you mean, i have tried to read between the lines. I am just sick of not being able to trust people and what they say. Any more advice or stories would be really appreciated.Simon – are there any websites open to people like me who have no passwords or anything to find all these detais out on my own?Thanks again.

  • AJMJ replied to the topic information is king in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago

    Hey,I posted  questions before to get some opinions on investment groups. This kind of information is exactly what i have found out by looking into one of these groups. They research the area, growth potential, rental estimates, whats going on in that area ect ect. I am not sure weather to trust these people or not though. I have heard nasty…[Read more]

  • AJMJ replied to the topic takning the 2nd step? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 3 months ago

    Hey,Never used a forum before, bear with me………What do you guys think of investment companies. People who do the research and find out the facts and figures for you? Has anyone tried this? Anynone looked into it and didnt go ahead? Why?Im looking at my 2nd IP and all advice would be appreciated.Also does anyone who has more properties, lik…[Read more]


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