ajaydee73 replied to the topic Help getting started in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Fully wrote:
Oh my goal is simple to own a decent house outright in Perth in 12 years and just live out my life, I'm not concerned about making millions.Considering this, I would recommend looking for the house you want to live in, buy it and pay down the loan as fast as you can. It's the most sure way of achieving your goal.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic what is the best site to advertise my house on? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Hey Mcgrandles.I hope you have a steady recovery in your health. I believe http://www.realestate.com.au is the most popular. http://www.domain.com.au is also popular.Best of luck
ajaydee73 replied to the topic up and coming brisbane suburb in the forum General Property 14 years ago
What kind of zoning will make it a second hub of Brisbane?
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Good and Bad experiences with DHA properties.. in the forum General Property 14 years ago
What is the potential for capital gains? How long are they tied up with the defence force?
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Hotel apartment in the forum Do you trust the hotel to 16 years ago
Do you trust the hotel to direct visitors to your room? If the hotel isn't 100% occupied, you could find yourself buying an empty room.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Will prices drop after September ? in the forum General Property 16 years ago
Fixed rates have risen which is an important event. It's a signal of where variable rates are going.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic RE Agent contradicting himself? in the forum A dishonest salesman. Not 16 years ago
A dishonest salesman. Not atypical.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Will prices drop after September ? in the forum General Property 16 years ago
BIS Shrapnel were saying a year ago that house prices were about to jump by 40%. I don't trust them at all. If they're right about increased construction of new homes, then this will be bad for house prices because you need a supply shortage for prices to go up.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Property bubble? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
I don't think prices will go to where they were 10-15 years ago any time soon, but I think they will probably fall a bit or at least stay flat for quite a while. The fact is that property prices are ultimately restricted by the incomes that people earn. Otherwise home loans become unserviceable. House prices have outpaced the increases in…[Read more]
ajaydee73 replied to the topic What to do next??? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
I would pay down your debt as much as possible then wait and see what property prices do over the next year or two.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Will prices drop after September ? in the forum General Property 16 years ago
I think when you combine a halving of the FHOG, rising interest rates, higher unemployement and tighter lending standards house prices will struggle. The housing market moves quite slowly so I'm interested to see where house prices will be in a year to a year and a half.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Stopping PAYG? in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years ago
May as well pay your tax bill up front. There's no point in fooling yourself how much cash you have available.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Purchasing IP as a trust/company/individual in the forum Finance 16 years ago
The most advantagious approach is usually to have the property in your own name. Trusts and companies are mostly useful for asset protection reasons. eg. If you were an accountant or lawyer who might be sued for your personal assets.You are best off speaking to a good accountant and tell them as much about your circumstances as possible. The la…[Read more]
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Would you buy a block of land now to avoid having to pay more in the future? in the forum General Property 16 years ago
I would prepare a forecast of how much the land would have cost you at the end of 5 years if you buy now. This forecast would include interest and rates paid, etc. And compare it to what you think the land value will be in 5 years time. If the land value would be higher in 5 years time you can't go wrong. Even if you decide not to live there you…[Read more]
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Building contract terms to get FHB in the forum General Property 16 years ago
I think building has to commence in 24 weeks and be completed in 18 months.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Interest rates to rise sharply “warning” in the forum General Property 16 years ago
Some areas have had a correction, but on average Australia is still waiting for it. Some places are even booming at the moment because of low interest rates and the FHOG. This is very dangerous as low interest rates and the boosted FHOG will not last.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Family Trust Confusion in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years ago
The only way you will get a tax benefit from this situation is if the trust is earning other income which it can deduct the interest from. The trust will then receive the tax benefit.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Interest rates to rise sharply “warning” in the forum General Property 16 years ago
The property bubble in Australia needs to be popped asap. People are spending to much money on houses and not enough consuming and investing in businesses. We will need serious inflation in earnings and consumer products to get back to a normal state of affairs. It's making me consider moving overseas so I can earn in a different currency,
ajaydee73 replied to the topic Re claiming losses from ATO for negatively geared property over past 8 years not claimed already in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years ago
A capital loss can be carried forward forever under the current law.But yes, the outgoings on an asset that doesn't generate income become part of the "cost base" of the asset. Therefore there is no negative gearing allowed.
ajaydee73 replied to the topic What is your opinion of the current market ? in the forum General Property 16 years ago
diggerdigzit wrote:
Now Ajay, I am not saying your wrong ( well I kinda am, but thats just my personal opinion) and these guys are right, it's just that everyone has an opinion, whether it be right or wrong, endless arguments can ensue. When it comes to two things, Economics and Real Estate, there will always be the black and white and the huge…[Read more]- Load More