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  • afloat replied to the topic Flooring for an uneven floor in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 6 months ago

    Hi PurpleKiss,

    Usually the plug holes are about 400mm apart. When you lay a floating floor over, put short lengths of floor over the plugs. It is easier to then take up these short lengths when you need to gain access to plugs.

    We come across this all the time, owners want floating floor, termite plugs everwhere, concrete floor. It is easy to…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Replacing ropes in Sash Windows in the forum No Subject 20 years, 6 months ago

    Hi PurpleKiss,

    Done a few (hundred) .

    Putting it into writing, here goes. Easier to replace the rope.

    At the inside bottom of the window frame (it will probably be painted over) there will be concealed timber “weight holes” Scrape back the paint, carefully remove the “timber plug”. Now taking this plug out allows you to remove the rope and…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Flooring for an uneven floor in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 6 months ago

    Hi PurpleKiss,

    There’s a product called “ardit” which is specifically for filling In the “valleys” Thickness of product application from 1mm to 15mm.

    Its like a slurry mix, trowel it on and it is “self leveling” to a degree. Sets harder than concrete ( well it is in some way similiar). Prep the existing surface with “bondcrete” or something…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Cost of demolishing? in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Waynel2,

    When we need to demolish houses to make way for new builds, there are many companies lining up to do this for free.

    Try salvage yards, 2nd hand building suppliers as they usually have their own team of demo fellas. They demolish the property and salvage as much of the structure as they can. They then sell it at their yard at big…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic US Property Investment in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Peter,

    From my experience investing (overseas). My area is UK. You asked about overseas investment and tax implications.

    My rseponse is of a general nature, each overseas country that you invest in has its own “rules”. You would need to spend time in each area to learn more.

    As Monopoly says “cross the “t’s” and doth the “i’s”.



  • afloat replied to the topic US Property Investment in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Peter,

    From my experience, go to the area and spend time finding out these things. Look at the implications of being a foreign landlord unless you already live or want to live there. Take time to find accountant, solicitor, broker etc. Make sure that they are aware of “your” situation, where your domiciled, reside, and investing…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Cracks found on double brick walls in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Huey,

    Being a registered builder myself, I would suggest that if you use a building inspector, ask if he/she has come up through the trade/s (either bricky or chippy) or is he/she an inspector come through the “paper trade”.

    Sometimes it helps to have had “hands on” experience, especially with how the “cracks” come to.


    afloat – head…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi there nathfromperth,

    London in July, at least it will be a touch warmer than usual I think.

    It is very similiar to purchasing property in Aust. Equity to purchase property works well in both countries. Just go and soak up information that is relevant to your needs/requirements.

    What I did , before I went to UK, was write down what my…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi madhun,

    Accounting for your trips to your investment property is a legitimate expense. Whether they be in your adjoining suburb in Aust or on the othe side of the planet (Manchester or even Iraq).

    It doesn’t matter to the ATO how effecient you are in your travel arrangements (you could fly first class or economy) to the other side of the…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Carlos,

    Different rules for each country.

    There are many properties that have CPO on them and it is a mix of private and council housing. Majority is council.

    Just remembering that there are dozens of property that you could buy today for £3k, yet when you search they all have CPO’s. The gov’t don’t actually state when the property is to be…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Bardon,

    Certainly some good points there to be taken on board.

    The point about the government demolishing unsafe property is very valid.
    Just for others in their DD, check in the searches that the property doesn’t have a CPO (compulsory purchase order) put on it.This has been an area where many “investors” haven’t fully understood what they…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Morning all,

    It has been at least 2 weeks since we started out on this topic and I’m interested to see how much homework has been done by people’s.

    It has been good reading back over all the posts, some good comments and some negative comments.

    Has anyone done some digging on the Manchester region and would like to share their finding. There…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hay Shaun,

    I’m pretty thick skinned and I didn’t think in any ways that there was an “offence” committed.

    Observations are great, responses are important and freedom to information makes things posibble.

    I accept your observations, and all others for that matter


    afloat – head above water

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all, been a bit busy lately but I shall fill in on the queries raised, have had to put off going back to UK for about 2 weeks.

    Melbear – It costs me approx 3k for 2 weeks – I stay with family in Chorley and have the use of their motor (but I still gotta pay $2per litre for fuel) and yes it is claimable against my property there.
    For the moment…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Dannads,

    Either PM me or fire away for any more general information questions.

    I am going back to UK on 26th of this month. More ongoing homework to do.


    afloat – head above water

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all,

    Am off to the other side of this planet at the end of the month again.

    Anyone want to get together and bang heads/ chew the fat regarding th UK ?

    Still lots to learn


    Afloat – head above water

  • afloat replied to the topic Anyone buying RE this year and beyond? in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Kay,

    Well, I’m off to Manchester again at the end of the month.
    We have two deals going through at present and we are looking at buying 6 more before years end.

    Next year, we have pencilled in acquiring at least 10 and you guessed where – Manchester.


    Afloat- head above water

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Dannads,

    999 year leases were made available on large tracts of land, by the crown, to wealthly businessmen/industrialists in the early part of last century. Leases were offered to give these businessmen/industrialists “cheap” land to be able to build their factories and workers homes upon.
    About the 1950’s the lease due payable on individual…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all,

    I am not promoting property for sale, I am letting people know of an area that is very viable for positive cashflow investment.

    I have been reading many postings on various forums for quite a few years and there are is so much great enthusiasm and encouragement from seasoned property investors.
    Yet there is a lack of sharing where to…[Read more]

  • afloat replied to the topic Found a new area for +ve deals in the forum No Subject 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Geronimo,

    As you mentioned earlier about setting up a buyers agency, well we have spent many hours putting some thing like that into place. So much can be achieved in a short space of time if you put your head to it

    Henry, thanks for the support, knocking down those barriers is very satisfying.


    Afloat – head above water

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