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Aeros Oz

  • Aeros Oz replied to the topic Insurance Company for your IPs in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    I found NRMA building insurance about 50% cheaper than anything else. I pick $1000 exess, which brought me to around $200 per house per year.
    Land Lord Protection Insurance is baaaad from NRMA, but I found thay all are…
    The most decent are AON and Barclays.

  • Aeros Oz replied to the topic Sharing Tips- in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Sorry Jaffasoft, and Thecrest.
    I think I found better and cheeper way to deal with accomodation.
    If you wish to invest in area – buy one house first, than you can stay there for free, while you buying the rest of them!

  • Aeros Oz replied to the topic 20% rent return USA properties in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Sorry, my mistake.
    I am investing in US properties and want to find likeminded people to share information about financial, legal and other differences from OZ investments.
    High rent return is possible to find in US, but investors should be aware about danger of buying lemons. Prices of properties around city could be as low as $500, but, apart…[Read more]

Aeros Oz