It’s immediate, however, because of the server time messup of the last 24hrs, you may have added a reply to a thread, that is now ABOVE the last post, since your timestamp is EARLIER than theirs.
The system will have righted itself by later today, so don’t think this will continue.
We corrected a server time error, then didn’t notice (for a few hours) that the forum times had been adjusted to compensate and were now a day ahead. You would have got one post in before flood control kicked in!!
I fixed it yesterday but some of you will still suffer flood control issued for a few hours more.
We’ll look at automating the login feature for regulars, but meanwhile you DO have to login to see PMs, subscriptions, etc…
As before, you can post without logging in my entering your details in the message editor, but it’s a lot easier and richer and experience if you just login at the start!
The navs at the bottom of the page have mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the development of this site, coz I swear they were there once upon a time!!
As always there’s a bug here and there to iron out…
You *should* be able to get automatically logged back in every time you visit the site… so if that’s not working let me get into the new week a bit (it’s Sunday now), and I’ll sort out why that’s not working.
Thanks Pisces, I’ll check that out. If I missed that then I am a very silly duffer.
Thanks for spotting it.
Note that to get back to the first page (even without that), you can always click on the box showing the total number of pages… it will throw up a dialog where you can enter the number 1, and voilá. you’re there.
We’ve decided to NOT display people’s REAL NAMES anywhere, so PropertyGuRu, feel free to set it back to what it was… no one except PI team will be able to see it!
Anything else you see that’s weird or strange PLEASE email or PM me ASAP and I’ll get onto it.
You are both a welcome and important member of this community, however, like all others, we require that you adhere to the forum rules.
To this extent, advertising of external commercial resources is not allowed on this forum, so we have no option but to edit your post.
I think it’s wise that you consider your intentions moving forward. Are you here to help out of the goodness of your own heart, or are you here to market (by trading information)? Either way that’s fine, but just do it in a way that is acceptable.
As an idea, put a reference to a website in a signature that appears at the bottom of all your posts.
I have resources that can help you. Find out more at: http://www.???.???
The problem sounds like it’s caused by your computer having trouble saving the file to your hard-drive – possibly because there’s a problem with the network or drive settings.
The download appears to work fine – it’s just when the computer attempts to save what has been downloaded that it has troubles.
You may have better luck if you viewed the file directly from the web-site, and perhaps saved it from there by clicking “File” then “Save As” in Internet Explorer.
For anyone who hasn’t read the Bonus Chapter of Steve McKnight’s book From 0 to 130 Properties in 3.5 Years, you can download it from free free!
The problem with running a public forum board is that shysters like to use it to harvest names and spam people.
You are right to say that ‘bots’ comb the net looking for e-mails, and while we tested Snitz, there is no iron clad guarantee that there isn’t come techie with nothing better to do than crack the forum software.
I figured that the forums must have my email address listed on the postings or in my profile. This would mean that someones bot/spider could harvest email addresses from the site.
Actually, unless you left your e-mail address in a post then my best suggestion is that they look your url and spammed it randomly.
One thing IS for certain… the details did not come from us as we treat your privacy very seriously.
If you have any further information or ideas about how we can stop people hacking the site then please let us know.
Well, looks like the database crashed under the weight of 700+ people all trying to access it at once after the Today Tonight story.
Sorry for the inconvenience… we had planned for a sever upgrade last Sunday but the refinements have been plagued with gremlins. Hopefully this weekend will be the switch over.