Forum Replies Created

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  • Hi Waydo. Are you able to access the forum via tapatalk now?

    Hi Sabbathen, I would like to help you answer some questions. If you would like to call me on 03 8892 3800 ( Office), I will try to assist. Regards, Jason

    I like your idea here, Dubstep.

    What are some of the acronyms and terms you'd like to see here?

    Off the top of my head…

    • PPOR
    • STCA
    • JV
    • Flip
    • Wrap
    • Option
    • Lease Option
    • Buy and Hold
    • Positive Gearing / Positive Cashflow
    • Negative Gearing / Negative Cashflow
    • Caveat
    • Easement
    • ROI
    • COCR / Cash on Cash Return
    • PPOR / Principal Place of Residence
    • CGT
    • Yield / Rental Yield
    • Depreciation
    • Fibro
    • NRAS
    • LVR
    • Non-Conforming Loans
    • Mortgage Insurance

    What else should be on the list?

    Hrm – this is something that I'd like to find out more about.

    If you spot the issue again, can you email webmaster – at – property investing .com (email address obfuscated for spam bots) with some details about what you were doing at the page, and what happened when the page froze?

    Also, details of the version of Chrome you're using is also helpful to trace the problem.

    I'm using Chrome Version 21.0.1180.75 on a Mac. To find the version number, I hit "Chrome" (up near "File", "Edit", "View", etc) and then "About Google Chrome".)

    In Windows, I believe you hit "Help" then "About Google Chrome".


    Hi Livewildcard,

    This is fixed now. (We had a bug in our system that prevented some pages from being indexed by our internal search engine.)

    If you want, you can also filter your search by date.

    Just look for the "Filter" buttons on the right hand side of the screen. (After clicking on a year, you can also filter down further to a month.)


    Hi Nathan and Jac

    This is on our "Things To Do" list – but we've needed to fix a few show-stopper bugs before we've been able to hit this.

    I just wanted to let you know "we're on it." :)


    This is an odd one….

    In my previous comment, I mentioned browser details. 

    I'd love to receive the browser details for this bug too. It will help us to track down the cause.


    Hi NHG,

    Thanks for your comment here.


    I'm a bit worried about the crashes you're reporting here, and would love to get the problem here solved ASAP.

    Can I trouble you to email us at webmaster *at~ with some details about the browser you're using (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc), its version number (e.g. Chrome 21.1), and the operating system you're using on your computer (Mac OSX Snow Leopard, Windows Visa, Windows XP, etc).

    (Obviously replace *at~ with the @ symbol, and get rid of the spaces. I typed it this way to foil any spambots who might be harvesting email addresses posted online.)

    I'd also love to find out what happens when the forum crashes. Does your browser window close? Does it keep loading over and over? Does it say the page is taking too long to respond?

    Level 8 Badge

    Yes – sadly, we needed to get rid of the old level system to make way for all of the new badges and achievements.

    The good news is we've given everyone who achieved a level 2 or above a new badge to commemorate their achievement on the old website.

    This badge is the Mayflower badge. (Why "Mayflower"? Because you're among the intrepid pilgrims who made the voyage to our brave new site wink)

    There are different "levels" of Mayflower badges too – level 2 to level 8.

    You're a level 8 Mayflower – one of only 11 people who earned this achievement (including Derek, Qlds007, Terryw, Dubstep, and a few other top contributors.)

    Only 11 people will ever hold this badge. New users can't achieve it. So you're in fine company here.


    P.S. – One enhancement I have on my own wish list is a way to display the badges next to your profile in the forums – like medals of honor worn on you lapels. I'd like to know you were able to show off your achievements on the site easily. Perhaps make a few other members jealous ;)


    Yes. However, there is no functionality to upload pictures at this stage. And there's a bug that appears to be stopping images from being displayed.

    When writing a forum thread, look for the photo icon. (It has a house on it, and is to the left of the smiley icon.)

    I hope this helps!


    P.S. – Keep the great feedback coming! It helps us to know what's important to you, and where we should dedicate more time into improving the site to serve the community!

    Hi Guys,

    I just wanted to let you know this is an enhancement that is on our radar.

    Right now, there are a quite a few tweaks that we need to make to the site to fix little bugs here and there. (e.g. some users reported an error in the password reset system recently. The error affected some (but not all) users – so we needed to get onto this quickly.) This is where we're focusing our time initially.

    However, we really appreciate the feedback you've been giving us here. It's genuinely helpful, because it lets us know what the most important features are for you – and we definitely want to give you the best possible experience in the community.

    So thank you for the feedback here – and keep it coming!


    Hi Guys,

    I just wanted to thank you again for your questions, and show you Steve's answers.

    We've just uploaded them to Steve's new website here:

    – Admin

    Steve McKnight and will be coming to town for their next Market Update: a two hour weeknight evening event. We havent launched this event yet but be sured to look out for the email alert – we should be there in November. Admin

    Hello Sarah,

    we echo the the idea and recommend you check out Jo and Margarets Property Investor group in Sydney – they are fabulous. I think we all should be connected to groups like this – there is so much to learn and also gives an opportunity to give back to others which is the benchmarks of a successful investor / business

    right sort of attitude. good on you

    Good questions to ask and well researched. Thank you for making the post and helping all to make an informed decision.

    Good questions to ask and well researched. Thank you for making the post and helping all to make an informed decision.

    Signature Financial have been in contact with us over recent weeks requesting to have flame posts removed complaining that the criticism was harsh and defamatory and posted by a result of a disgruntled customer.

    We honoured their requests, but now for this ‘positive’ post to appear by a brand new member… it smacks of something not quite right. That is, the negative posts have been removed and now we have only the positive left.

    If the other posts were unbalanced by being negative, to have them removed and for this post to remain is too far doctored in the positive.

    Those posts removed complained of a bad experience with this company, so in the least, it is prudent to remind all readers that we all ought to research the integrity of any company we have financial dealings with – and that includes when borrowing money.

    This post is made with the view of providing a balanced opinion. We have not had any dealings – good or bad – with Signature Financial and therefore pass no comment about their business practices.

    Hi Allmine,

    Steve recently invited anyone interested in the R.E.S.U.L.T.S. Mentoring Program to register their interest via a web-link in one of his emails. This same link was available on the home page up until the end of last week, when the registration of interest list was closed off.

    Those who registered their interest were provided with access to the full details of the Program, and have been given an opportunity (with no obligation) to purchase a place in the Program before the general public, at a substantial discount.

    If you didn’t register your interest at the time, please call the office on (03) 8892 3800 and we will be more than happy to send you more details and answer any questions you have about the Program.

    Hi Allmine,

    There’s another thread on the forum where Steve has answered a number of questions about the R.E.S.U.L.T.S. Mentoring Program. You’ll find the thread at:

    Hope this helps! Please feel free to call us in the office on 03 8892 3800 if you would like more information about the Program, and one of the R.E.S.U.L.T.S. Coaches will be happy to answer your questions.


    I suggest you check out:

    Don Campbell is an expert in Alberta R/E.

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