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  • AAZ replied to the topic Managing your own properties in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 1 month ago

    tuggerwaugh wrote:
    Good onya Adrian and Amber…We have 3 IPs already and have the next 3-4 years mapped out as we are currently living in the NT and putting some serious money into our mortgages. We are planning to start a family soon and are very excited about the future. I suppose I just love investing and think about it all day everyday, and…[Read more]

  • AAZ replied to the topic Managing your own properties in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 1 month ago

    tuggerwaugh wrote:
    in mid 2009 I will be taking 12 months half pay leave from my job, so I thought it might be a good opportunity while I am doing some renovating to also dabble in property management.. even if I take on 1 property first and learn the ropes, before taking on the second and third at a later date…. this way I have the time to…[Read more]

  • Yes it does track the category of your expenses and you can also allocate your own expense categories.  You can view a live demo below: your portfolio increases you may want to look at using an accounting software program like MYOB.Adrian and

  • AAZ replied to the topic Do many sellers accept offers on land purchase? in the forum General Property 16 years, 1 month ago

    When the land owner hasn’t accept a lower price we’ve found that we’ve been able to negotiate much better terms.

    Sometimes the terms can be much more attractive than the actual asking price.

    Also you may want to consider a joint venture with the land owner if he won’t budge on the price.

    Adrian and Amber

  • AAZ replied to the topic Sharing Tips- in the forum General Property 16 years, 1 month ago


    We’re often asked about how we first got started in Real Estate Investing and Property Development and what did we do in the beginning and so we thought it would be a great idea to put together some handy tips of what we did that may also help you to get started on your own Real Estate…[Read more]

  • AAZ replied to the topic Joint Ventures in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 1 month ago

    Each Joint Venture will be different depending on what the deal is at the time. For instance if we’re contemplating a Joint Venture with a Land Owner. Typically, the Owner may agree to exchange his land for housing unit(s). An independent Valuer/Appraiser is normally engaged to determine both the land value and the new housing unit value and if…[Read more]

  • AAZ replied to the topic Small Development Group in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 1 month ago

    We’re not sure if you’ve done a development project like this before but from our experience most joint venture partners will want to see some type of formal written proposal with a market and financial feasibility study plus any previous projects and the profit margins that you managed to achieve.

    We consider the Financial Feasibility Study to…[Read more]

  • AAZ replied to the topic newbie prperty investing advice in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 1 month ago

    We like to purchase in good locations with consistently good growth and even though some states are experiencing flat markets there are still suburbs that are doing well.

    Plus we look at increasing our cash flow and creating our own equity through renovations or real estate development.

    You need to have a clear investment strategy that’s a good…[Read more]

  • We’ve used POSH by Supertech for several years and are very happy with it. Plus they have a good support system with regular updates.

    Adrian and Amber

  • AAZ replied to the topic Managing your own properties in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 1 month ago

    We personally prefer to engage good property managers to look after our real estate investments who are willing to do more than just collect the rents because, we’d rather not be woken up in the middle of the night to fix things like broken taps.

    We found by leveraging other peoples time and skills we were then freed up to concentrate on our n…[Read more]

  • Interesting! In downturns and flat markets we’ve found some of our best opportunities and we’ve always had an entry and exit strategy should things not go as planned.

    Adrian and Amber

  • AAZ replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 1 month ago

    We ourselves never looked for cash flow positive properties. We started out by seeing how we could add value to a property so we could increase the cash flow and create our own equity.

    We began with renovations but now concentrate on real estate development because we found the financial gains were far greater.

    However with larger profits there…[Read more]

  • AAZ replied to the topic Value Adding – Grany Flats in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 1 month ago

    Each local authority has different requirements regarding granny flats. Most Councils now have their planning codes on their websites and if you can’t find the answers there then I would speak with their Senior Town Planner in person.

    Adrian and Amber

  • AAZ replied to the topic cgt & gst on the sale of developed block in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 1 month ago

    You’ll also find a lot of great information at

    Adrian and Amber Zenere

  • AAZ replied to the topic Development Opportunities in Adelaide in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 1 month ago

    We’ve completed several projects and find Real Estate Development is a great way to fast track your property portfolio.

    While Real Estate Development isn’t without risks we find that it’s important to “Be Risk Aware NOT Risk Adverse.”

    We started out with smaller development projects, this way any mistakes we made would be smaller and less co…[Read more]

  • AAZ replied to the topic Dual Occupancy conversions in Brisbane in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 1 month ago

    Contact your local council and if possible ask to speak to a Senior Town Planner. They will advise you if this is possible and exactly what you’ll need to do to make sure that it complies with their planning regulations.

    Each local authority has different planning requirements so it’s important to check with your local council as to their…[Read more]

  • AAZ replied to the topic Adding a second storey in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Elka

    We would start by contacting the local council who should still have a copy of the original engineering drawings and architectural plans on file.

    Then we would engage a structural engineer to take a look at the drawings and have him visit the site if necessary.

    Between council and a qualified engineer you should find that they should…[Read more]

  • AAZ replied to the topic Has anyone successfully used the Reno Toolkit? in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Tina

    We haven’t purchased the Reno Toolkit but we’ve found that it’s always a good idea to become an expert in the area in which you live especially if you intend to do most of the renovation work yourself.

    Once you’ve identified two or three suburbs with good consistent growth this should narrow down your search considerably so you don’t e…[Read more]


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