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  • Redline944 replied to the topic Deals of late. in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    I should have added , the being too nice bit? well I normally get a nice discount by offering to complete in 30 days, which the gazump flat hinged on, I was being nice to the agent and used their internal broker for finance and he was a plonker and dragged his heels and the vendor went elsewhere. Wont make the same mistake twice!!

  • Redline944 replied to the topic Deals of late. in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Gazumped on one (I was being too nice) dosh fell through on the other two. But Ive just been to see a lovely little flat with a seperate garage which will be mine before Nov is done…

    It’s drizzling and cold in England, bet it’s not doing that to the rest of you

  • Redline944 replied to the topic Deals of late. in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    I’m not having a good month. Bought three pos cflw props late last month (UK investor) but had this months three all fall down within 36 hours of each other.

    Need to take a deep breath and get back out there….

  • Redline944 replied to the topic Spotting a Dodgy Guru in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago

    I read Kiyosaki’s book and it changed my life. Not because it gave me the magic formula to wealth etc, it just made sense and justified the frustrations I’d been feeling and the ambitions I’d been dreaming of pursuing. He taught me to ignore the cynicism of others and the fear of failure.

    De Roos book, just the ideas contained in the chapter on…[Read more]
