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  • OutbackJack replied to the topic No more finance in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Thanks to all for this forum. I ahve been wondering about this very thing. Although I am a little while off the $1m mark it is a question that I have been asking myself.

    Good on you steve for this format of communication. It’s a ripper.


    Too big it is not. Think, you must not.Want, you must not. Do you must. (Yoda)

  • OutbackJack replied to the topic Land Cheap!!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    SOunds great. But where oh where could it be???

    Too big it is not. Think, you must not.Want, you must not. Do you must. (Yoda)

  • OutbackJack replied to the topic Perth – where to invest? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    I guess it is just like Steves book. Capital growth only works 30% of the time. YOu need to decide where you want your money to come from and then, if you decide on capital gains, you need to buy and be patient.

    All the best. :)

    Too big it is not. Think, you must not.Want, you must not. Do you must. (Yoda)

  • OutbackJack replied to the topic Will Appreciate a Good Advice in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Interesting Post and a very bug commitment!!!! All I can say off what you have writen is that perhaps you need and accountant or a financial advosor to look at your situation. All the best.

    Too big it is not. Think, you must not.Want, you must not. Do you must. (Yoda)

  • OutbackJack replied to the topic subdividing in the forum No Subject 21 years ago


    Just thought you may like to know that is probably a better forum for making new contacts.[blush2]

    All the best with your ventures in both fields.


    Too big it is not. Think, you must not.Want, you must not. Do you must. (Yoda)

  • OutbackJack replied to the topic Due Dilligence. Information and inquiries in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Thanks Kay, very useful indeed. Just wondering about API mag. I take it as being Australian Property Invertor/Investment?

    Too big it is not. Think, you must not.Want, you must not. Do you must. (Yoda)

  • OutbackJack replied to the topic units vs houses and what to do in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I am guessing that since yo mentioned your fathers estate that you may have comeinto an amount of money recently. Looking at you options at a time like this is fairly daunting. Someone told me once that if I ever won lotto to put all the money away for 6 months and jsut get used to haveing it befor any decisions are made. Makes sence to me.

    I…[Read more]

  • OutbackJack replied to the topic Once bitten…….. in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    RUle of half. Buy for $60k rent for $120 PW. Or buy for $40k rent for %80pw. See the half ratio?

    All the best. Jaquie.
