Markat‘s profile was updated 9 years ago
Markat‘s profile was updated 10 years ago
Markat replied to the topic FREE Residex Property Reports for VICTORIAN, TASMANIAN, and SOUTH AUSTRALIAN properties – Investment or Owner Occupied in the forum I found the report very 14 years ago
I found the report very comprehensive and accurate. Last year I had an independent valuation done and think the details provided today were spot on. Thank you very much for prompt reply and accurate information.
Markat replied to the topic Maximising borrowings using structures in the forum Finance 17 years ago
Hi thereI am new to forum but am at the same point as you TRAKKA. I have just listened, relistened, read, reread, all the information on structures and using them again and again so you are not maxed out…..obviously of great interest to me as this is exactly where I am at…..Somehow from what I read a lot of people on forum term "maxed out"…[Read more]
Markat replied to the topic opinions on investing in SA in the forum General Property 18 years ago
I agree. Adelaide has had some good growth while the eastern states have gone backwards, and there doesn’t appear to be any signs of it slowing. I reckon it will continue to grow and there are still some good buys to be had. Cash positive could be a bit difficult though.
Markat replied to the topic I’m 26, own 3 Properties – what to do next? in the forum No Subject 18 years ago
Hi just logged onto your site. Have done similarly and have a lot of equity but not good income to service loans. I have gone 50/50 on a house/land development and am building on the back block with a friend. My accountant reckons we have to be GST which up to now, haven’t thought about as an individual investor I haven’t ever sold or had…[Read more]
Markat replied to the topic Replacing Fibro (Asbestos) Roof in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
If you can see the roof from the road (i.e. house is set down on the side of hill) then it will definitely improve value. But if you can’t see the roof (visually) then possibly not. They are ugly as hell. Still the outlay will probably not be realised in the short term. We had an ugly one that could be seen – it also needing repairing. Not…[Read more]
Markat replied to the topic Subdivision NSW in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
My sister was just investigating a subdivision in North Sydney. Large block, two titles, plus a house. Seemed a really good buy and easy chop. She likewise gave me the story that she would have to put a road down etc. before she could on sell (i.e. there is already a dirt road). So it seems there could be some truth in what you have learned.
Markat replied to the topic Urgent Help Needed – Title&Loan in Different Names in the forum Finance 19 years ago
I am a real non conforming one. I didn’t qualify for any bank loans (and knew I wouldn’t) but have gone with a non mainstream lender. Am happy with result. Set up ABN overnight – purely to get No Doc loan and only needed to have it 24 hours. Interest rate is 7.8% which is higher than average – but at least I got a loan and I know I will be…[Read more]
Markat replied to the topic Adelaide’s Best? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I agree with the 5-10km comment. My feeling for Adelaide is that the outer suburbs have experienced great growth (and possibly have reached their peak) and that the inner suburbs are the next to spike followed again further down the track by the outer suburbs. Mt Barker (as an outer suburb) 30kms out is going to continue to grow and is the…[Read more]
Markat replied to the topic Equity rich – income poor in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago
Thanks for that tip. Will definitely look into that one as it seems exactly what I am doing on a gut feel – that is feeling okay – but needing a little bit more concrete figures to feel entirely confident.
Markat replied to the topic Equity rich – income poor in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago
It’s called “Adelaide”! Property can still be found at a reasonable prices south of adelaide. You do have to do your research and be quick off the mark. i.e. purchased this with a cash offer, and before it hit the papers (off the net)…… etc. etc. I am happy to sell portion, for 180,000 with current house which I have done a small reno…[Read more]
Markat replied to the topic Equity rich – income poor in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago
Thanks all for your contributions. Sorry for lack of response before now. I am stoked however, with your suggestions. The No Doc was an eye opener and I have gone down that line……
I have added already to the portfolio with another 200,000 debt (to add to existing 130,000 = 330,000) and property worth 200,000 that can be subdivided. I am…[Read more]