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  • HotRod replied to the topic crazy perth property in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    I agree with the oversees angle.

    Was wanting at least $515K for our house and was told we could start with a $529K listing and work down. We needed extra due to having offered a bit more the property we were buying and so listed it for $539K.

    Well it went for $535K for a cashed up overseas buyer on the first day to the first people through the…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Perth – where to invest? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by AUSPROP:
    Curtin Uni is loking to bring in an extra 30000 or so students into the area so it will be safe to say you will never be short of a tenant. Vic Park is tipped as undervalued and with the cafe strip now evolving it does seem very cheap. St James villas also appear under valued IMO at $250k – around replacement cost,…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic “Is now a good time to buy, sell or hold?” in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by redwing:
    “Is now a good time to buy, sell or hold?”


    My sentiments exactly!!!


    All things are possible to the person who believes they are possible.
    Whateve the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.
    Napoleon Hill

  • HotRod replied to the topic Perth – where to invest? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by TMA:
    Everyone is cashing in on the hype. Remember what happened in Tasmania people!!!

    All that interbreeding.[lmao]

    Seriously, WA has the resources boom with growth twice the national average.

    There are skills shortages here in Perth and regionally with silly money being offered. Staff poaching all sorts of fun and…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Father is dying. Please help with advice. in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    My sympathies also.

    Being a very emotive time I would caution against doing anything too brash. Make sure of all your facts and gets details aviable from the hospital and people’s names.

    Having no will drawn up the distributuion of the estate would probably be according to what is set out in law. With the will drawn up well, that dictates what…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Anybody completing wraps in WA in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago

    Still legal.

    If you only do say 1 or 2 you are pretty much ok as far as licensing.

    If you do more (and can be seen as making a business out of it) you will need a credit providor’s licence which will entail a cost upfront and then for each loan.


    All things are possible to the person who believes they are possible.
    Whateve the…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Masterclass? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Unfortunately (or maybe unfortunately) I had totally forgotten about this and spent yesterday going over another deal.

    So I reckon I saved my dough and then some!

    Maybe I’ll get along to the next one if in town.


    All things are possible to the person who believes they are possible.
    Whateve the mind of man can conceive and…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Show me the…..details in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Here’s some sketchy details of my deals:

    1 $186K yield 13%
    2 $196K yield 13% loan of $405K for the 2
    3 $78K yield (15% now 23%) loan of $82K
    4 $330K (valued by bank at $353K!) yield (8.6%) loan of $346K

    The first 3 were regional WA the last was just purchased in Perth.


    All things are possible to the person who believes…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Mandurah in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:
    But Dream, there is just dust further North. It is the last city and there are certainly no major regional areas further North.

    There’s plenty of regional centres further north and thus plenty of places to invest.

    On a trip up to Port Hedland a few years ago in the winter I was amazed at how many grey…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Mandurah in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:
    There is only one place to look at in WA…


    Has anyone even bothered taking a look yet?

    OK, I’ll bite.[biggrin]

    I must admit Geraldton has spurted along the last 12 months: after being pretty much flat:

    All 2 B/R 3 B/R
    2001 $110 $84 $94
    2002 $132…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Show me the…..details in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Originally posted by JKM:
    Hi Dazzling. Finally a post that might help me analyse as you would. I am struggling to grasp how people are analysing deals compared to myself. If I look at this one as you have posted it & assumed the loan you obtained of $2.39m is at 7%, the rent of $158K still leaves you as negative $9300. Am I missing something?…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Interesting article- 345 years of CG’s in the forum General Property 20 years ago


    I’d be worried too if I was 345 years old and still not getting a good return after all that time.[agro3]

    I think I would have kept my money in tulips and then waited for the dot com boom![bomb]


    All things are possible to the person who believes they are possible.
    Whateve the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Perth – where to invest? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Dear Rigby,
    Have you checked the past growth rate for Armadale? I was told that one can easily go backwards investing in this suburb, despite its present +CF. Your present +CF rental yield can quickly turn neutral or -CF if the house prices will be gone up soon, as one can expect given all the expected development work there.

    Kenneth…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic The Dangers of Remote Buying in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:
    People always put down what they cannot do themselves.

    I do hope that wasn’t addressed to me.

    I thought I was not putting down and I so do myself.

    Always interesting to see how the market can be moved along by investors and a lick of paint.

    But if the numbers work out, well there’s no reason not to…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic The Dangers of Remote Buying in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    I’ve got NO problems with buying there myself.

    There are some real opportunities.

    But going by the old adage “make your money when you buy” I think people need to be careful to make sure that they aren’t taken for a ride when they buy (it just appears that way with the converstaion I over heard)


    All things are possible to…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic The Dangers of Remote Buying in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    I’ve been there lots and have a pretty good idea of the place.

    Speaking to locals, contractors in town, hotel staff and agents they just can’t believe what non locals are willing to pay even for some real dogs of places in dodgy suburbs.

    You know when the locals start talking about real estate the boom and making money it’s time to look…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Sydney Leads the Nation…Downwards in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Negative gearing is a rort that’s unique to Australia and should have been abolished years ago.

    That is at least one thing I agree with.

    It would surely sort out the real investors from the speculators even if it would probably drop a lot of lower income earners into state housing and the market would crash.

    There’s always bad with the…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Sydney Leads the Nation…Downwards in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Boy these topics get funnier as they evolve.

    Reading what the last couple of posts have been it appears that what this site and its subscribers are trying to do are work less and earn more through RE and then to enjoy life.

    Seems that there is another view here that you have to work hard to then enjoy the fruits of your labours.

    That’s two…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Some sound advice please in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    If your going to use P&I to build up equity in a property that you will need to top up every year to cover costs in an area that is flat in growth, whay bother?

    Why not find a nice managed fund and put money into that. AT least there’s no outgoings and if you choose a good one it will give you a cash flow and your investment will go up.

    I can’t…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Small Claims Tribunal in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Why do you say “forget the tribunal”?

    All things are possible to the person who believes they are possible.
    Whateve the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.
    Napoleon Hill

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