Event Horizon replied to the topic QLD property, take a loss or not? in the forum General Property 12 years ago
hey there,
given i borrowed 110% , holding costs (after tax return) is about 7 to 8k per year depending on rates, bills. I do however have a LOC paying the interest on all IP loans so effectively turning my non deductable home loan debt into deductable debt by "keeping" all the rent rather than using it to pay the holding costs. So obviously the…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic QLD property, take a loss or not? in the forum General Property 12 years ago
thanks Nigel…. yes in hindsight i will always take inner city over fringe… i do have an IP in inner brisbane..a. woolloongabba house,,, its performing better than scaborugh, but I have had it longer (2004) as its good performance was in the first 4 to 5 years, since then its been up and down so pretty flat since 2008….i am considering…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic Buying properties (units) in NSW liverpool ? investment? in the forum high pop growth doesnt equal 14 years ago
high pop growth doesnt equal high cap growth, if it did then every new subdivision would be an investors dream, IMO the opposite is true in this comparison of outer suburbia versus inner city for cap growth. its a no brainer for so many reasons I dont have time rabbit on about.
Event Horizon replied to the topic Capital growth in Sydney in the forum General Property 14 years ago
dont get hung up on capital growth statistics, they are at best unreliable… it only takes 1 mega sale (expensive house) to skew the average for the month, quarter, or even year particulary in suburbs tightly held. It also depends on even which day the measured cycle of growth starts and finishes and whos measured it, residex, APM, blah…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic Capital growth in Sydney in the forum General Property 14 years ago
I own property in the inner west where I have lived for over a decade and as a keen investor I know the market pretty well here.
As with all investing is about supply demand, changing demographics, gentrification, new infra structure and proximity to services.Where and what you buy depends on your strategy budget and end goal. Focusing…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic Australia ranks highest in least affordable housing list in the world!!! in the forum General Property 15 years ago
further to jazamites comment dont forget many well heeled expats coming home on big salaries buying high end property skewing avarage prices across these areas in total, these areas are not expensive relative to similar property in similar locations worldwide.
Event Horizon replied to the topic Brick interior walls in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago
plaster is cheaper and a better finish for inside, smoother etc, cant make comment about if it adds value or not as it depends on the type of house/architecture.For example people who painted the outside of federation brick homes, exposed the brciks in old terraces,rendered there 50s bungalows, stuck sun rooms on there terrace balconies, paved 70…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic Mt Druitt Sydney Positive CF in the forum General Property 16 years ago
i am probably missing something but if you own a 200k property for 10yrs say and there is no growth but all your interest and expenses are paid by rent dont you still have the same 2ook property and a loan for the amount you started 10 yrs ago. Then add buy sell /costs etc and that eats a big hole in your say 50 bucks a week you have left over…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic Brisbane Properties in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
hi,Timber house might cost you $1000yr but how long is a peice of string really, I have a few timber QLDers, but most expenses are tennant related not maintanence and some years there are no maintanence costs.Prices are soft in the inner areas from my observations right now . try inner south 450k for inner is a stretch but not impossible for 2 be…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic Mt Druitt Sydney Positive CF in the forum General Property 16 years ago
yes sounds good, though dont expect much Cap growth over the next 10yrs, have you been to neighbouring housing commission suburbs like bidwell whalan park etc, fxck me. Dont forget your tennant reference checks. As far as changing overtime, I dont see it, whats the driver for change unless all the Gov housing gets shifted to the Moon . It will al…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic Don’t just survive thrive ! in the forum General Property 16 years ago
wealthforlife I agree with you re on the trainline 9particularly inner area) is a good safety net in a downturn. I live 200m from an inner area station and clearance rates here are at 96% with 20% growth last 12 months to June "according to APM" I think 10% is more relalistic, still not backwards though like the Top End in other partys of Syd.
Event Horizon replied to the topic Architect vs Project home in the forum General Property 16 years ago
You may say I am bias being as I am a designer/architect but the benifits of using an architect over a project home company are many and like most things you pay for what you get, and if you get a good architect you will not regret it.Its not just about what the house will look like that you should be considering or be concerned about. There are m…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago
me…an 68 astin martin db6……….no, not really……… but it is a car with 4 wheels…….its fantastic…. youd love it…
Event Horizon replied to the topic Is Granite the Best Material for Kitchen Benchtops? in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago
Granite in my view is very old fashioned and date-able and some what austentacious (sorry about spelling). To suggest that caesar stone or even corian is a poor persons alternative is some what niave, a material doesnt need to be the most expensive to be the most appropriate, take FC sheet for example (fibro) is a very contemporary and relivent…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic Interior Designer wanting to swap knowledge with Renovators in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago
im confused, an interior designer who needs renovation advise, you should know this stuff and know how to build, how do you document your drawings, what are your qualifications if you dont mind me asking.
Event Horizon replied to the topic Discount from standard variable rate for major banks in the forum Finance 16 years ago
yes you can still get 0.85 discount (rate of 5.06% variable) as i have with westpac, for your reference total variable loans amount to around 400-500k but i also have an equal amount fixed with the same bank so this may help them give me a discount???
Event Horizon replied to the topic Darwin rush in the forum General Property 16 years ago
Im no expert on darwin but my research indicates that darwin in general is high risk, Values currently have held steady and there has been increases recently despite a huge surge in prices over the last few years. There is alot of development coming on line around the foreshore likely to lead to oversupply while the economic fundimentals are…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic Where would you invest now? in the forum General Property 16 years ago
obviously you mean an apartment for 300kdarlinghurst your dreaming (50m2 1 bed no garage) but out of all the suburbs you list that would be the safest (blue chip) bet.Becuase of walking distance proximity to the following CBD, transport, harbour, phillip cook pool, cross city tunnel and eastern distributor, circular key- ferrys, woolloomoolloo wh…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic How to demolish a kitchen in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago
depends on a the floor type/ substrate the access as well as the scope. I assume you have a timber floor and sub floor access and there is also external access to any plumbing exiting via the wall. if so allow around $1000-1500 to cap of all services. again this will vary hugely by state city province and town. without seeing it im picking fig…[Read more]
Event Horizon replied to the topic Golden rules for investment properties in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
postenterprise you thinking is correct
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