Choir replied to the topic Amazing Brendan Nichol's Advanced Home Study Courses in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 4 years ago
HI Ben, Just wonder if these BN resources are still available. If so, please contact me for a suitable time to meet. Thanks. Raymond
Choir replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum It is interesting to know 14 years ago
It is interesting to know people are now shifting their focus on gold and silver. To me, I still love my properties and had bought over $5m worth of properties last year and it is now a good time to buy when everyone is looking something else. As Steve always says, do thing differently!!! There are lots of bargins around if you have the money. The…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic Hong Kong in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago
Hi, Kate88,
What an interesting thread about IPs in Hong Kong!!
I was born and brought up in Hong Kong and have left home for almost 20 years. Maybe what you said is correct. It’s a long time ago when I lived there. Having said that, I still have my friends live there and more or less, I have a some ideas of what is happening over there.
Unless…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic We’re Stuck? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Hi, MC,
I came across your thread tonight and thought you are in a very difficult situation.
Based on what you described in your thread, I am not sure if you have a tenant paying rent for your company titled property. If you have no tenant at the moment, it means that you are currently paying the entire mortgage (i.e. not the $120 per week…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic property investing jargon in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Hi, there,
PPOR = Principal Place of Residence
IMHO – In My Humble Opinion
L/O = Lease Option
CoCR = Cash on Cash Return
IRR = Internal Rate of Return
NPV = Net Present Value
P/P = Purchasing Price
P/C = Purchasing CostsSave the rest for other people.
Choir replied to the topic The move from hell! in the forum Opinionated! 19 years ago
Hi, there,
Thanks for sharing your moving experience with us. I thought before engaging the removalist, the most important thing to to is to ask around and get anyreferrals that you can get.
If you have a good referral, it is unlikely that these people would do a dirty trick on you. Few month ago, when we moved from a 3-bedroom apartment (top…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic Had a good day in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Hi, Dazzling,
Your stories always amazed me. I believe you have contributed a lot to the Forum in the past and I certainly enjoyed reading your posts and responses.
It is sad to see you leaving us for a good while. Hopefully, you will drop by and update us on how you are going. My feeling just like saying ‘goodbye’ to the player who managed to…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic Agent assessment on property in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Hi, there,
I do agree with Wylie’s comment. At the end of the day, the RE agents only look after themselves. Most of them would pump up the selling price in order to get the listing and would tell the potential buyers a lower figure so that they would turn up at auction to create such competitive environment.
To me, I came across so many RE…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic VIC Female Property Millionaire-Nancy Wescombe in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago
Hi, there,
After going through the past thread, did you manage to get some course materials for assessemnet? Any comments?
I would be interested to know the outcome. Any action from ACCC?
RaymondChoir replied to the topic Current state of market to blame? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Hi, Sweet,
I saw your thread and thought I would offer my 2 cents worth of comment.
As Steve told us in the past that the days to find positive cash flow properties are long gone. In fact, Steve admitted that his 11 seconds solution formula is no longer applicable in the current property market condition.
What we really need to do is to look…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic Guru’s flock leaving the fold in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Hi, Redwing,
Good one. I do believe one thing in life – what goes around, comes around. It all depends on when.
Choir replied to the topic Advice from New South Welshpeople in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Hi, there,
I do agree with other comments that you don’t have to pay 10% deposit as the deposit figure is to be agreed between the vendor and buyer.
I bought my PPOR last year at auction and prior to auction, I had an agreement from the vendor’s solicitor (in writing) that a 5% deposit was acceptable.
However, my understanding from your thread…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic SYDNEY MEETING GROUP in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Hi, Len and Grossrealisation,
Thanks for your update on the recent SIG meeting on yesterday afternoon. I am sorry that I could not make it as I am planning to attend the Somersoft meeting tomorrow night.
Anyway, please could confirm the future monthly meetings are scheduled at the last Sunday of each month. This will help me to schedule my time…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic Landlord Insurance in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Hi, Guys
Thanks for your advice. I understand the importance of taking out an insurance to limit my liabilities.
Do I take out the landlord insurnace to insure myself as a person who does not own the property or the insurance to insure the unit trust which owns the property?
I am rather confused with the party insured under the policy. Please…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic Electrical Certification -absolutely necessary…? in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
Hi, there ,
I read your thread and thought if you both are electrical engineers (i.e. degree qualified and chartered with the Engineers Australia in Australia), and if you are doing the electrical installation for your own home, then you don’t need to engage an electrician to do the installation and certification.
I am a chartered electrical…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic SYDNEY MEETING GROUP in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago
Hi, Guys,
The Accountant who gave us a talk was Mr. Ken Raiss who works for Chan & Naylor. Ken’s contact details are:
Suite 2, 9-11 Bells Road
Oatlands NSW 2117
T: (02) 9684 2011
E: the way, I understand that Ed Chan will be giving a talk at Somersoft meeting instead of Ken Raiss. However, they both are from the same…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic SYDNEY MEETING GROUP in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Hi, Toni,
Your suggestion is an excellent idea. If the group has a fixed meeting dates organised in advance, this will give members more time to arrange their schedule to attend the meeting.
I totally agree with the suggestion of the last Sunday of each month. Thanks for the proposal.
RaymondChoir replied to the topic SYDNEY MEETING GROUP in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Hi, Louise,
Many thanks for your help in this matter. I have sent you an email providing my email adress details. Thanks.
RaymondChoir replied to the topic SYDNEY MEETING GROUP in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago
Hi, Guys,
Thanks for organising such an informative meeting for the group on last Sunday. I certainly enjoyed the talks and discussions with other like-minded people, especially with grossrealisation.
By the way, I have not yet received the email inviting me to join the Yahoo Group. Also, I have not received any information from grossrealisation…[Read more]
Choir replied to the topic Ed Chan in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
Hi, Roy,
Thanks for the update. I shall be attending this meeting and look forward to meeting you there.
I assume there will be a meeting agenda to be sent out prior to the meeting.
Raymond- Load More