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  • Thanks all for your advice, very helpful!    The property is owned equally by my brother, father and myself.  Technically, it is a vacant lot, and the Council treats it as such by charging Vacant Rural Rates($2,800/yr, twice that of non-vacant)…but it has a very old Settlers Cottage on it that is outside the gazetted building envelope of 1 acr…[Read more]

  • Burlboy replied to the topic Development Dilemma…help needed!!! in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    Hi Scott,I was initially told by surveror that, without deep sewer, I could only subdivide into 2000m2 lots, or bigger!This is what I have always understood to be the case too…but a subsequent search of the relevant Town Planning Scheme indicates that YES it is possible to subdivide into smaller than 2000m2 lots without deep sewer!I then rang…[Read more]

  • Burlboy replied to the topic Heres a curly one 4 ya!!! in the forum Finance 18 years ago

    The first option sounds good, but it would have to be NO-DOC, as I have no ABN, GST rego or proof of income!
    Margin loan against portfolio no problem! (more if needed?)
    Little or no early exit fees are also pretty important for me.
    U think theres anything u can do???


  • Burlboy replied to the topic Heres a curly one 4 ya!!! in the forum Finance 18 years ago

    Thanks for the responses!
    So I know I have the equity…but proving my income is another thing!
    I have been a day trader(shares) for 18 months now, and basically just take income when I need it. I find that works the best tax/savings wise…but not so good when getting a loan!
    I have a 10% deposit, and Im willing to sign a stat dec, OR WHATEVER,…[Read more]

  • Burlboy replied to the topic Heres a curly one 4 ya!!! in the forum Finance 18 years ago

    Bunbury is a port city, 200 km south of Perth in WA. There is
    HEAPS of new developments and investment going on in the area, and capital growth is great(30%+in06). The suberb I am interested in is Carey Park. It is 2km from both Bunbury CBD, and the beach.
    The zoning is R30(av lot size 333m2), and most of the blocks are 700m2+!
    You can still get…[Read more]

  • Burlboy replied to the topic Development Finance in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago

    Thanks Richard for your advice.
    I own the block outright. [strum]

  • Burlboy replied to the topic Accessing Equity in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Thanks 4 your quick responses Richard and Indigo!
    We do have SOME income. Brother earns $60k/pa but has just had his second child, hence Mrs out of action 4 a while. He also has PPOR loan of $120k, but has $140k equity in his house. I am disabled, but have equity of $150k block in Augusta, $100k of timber slabs n burls, and 12 unit site in…[Read more]
