30pc replied to the topic SEQ Valuers in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Thanks Richard. I appreciate your response.
30pc replied to the topic Highest LVRs in the forum Finance 19 years ago
Thank you Steven and Richard for your feedback. I appreciate the effort. I note the comments on the 95%/97% possibly being cheaper and I suspect you might be correct.
Thank you very much.
30pc replied to the topic SEQ Valuers in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I am happy for anyone to PM me if they have any input. FYI I am an investor and not in the banking/valuer industry.
30pc replied to the topic Investing in Singapore in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Hi Mei,
my two cents worth:
-Don’t bank on analyst predictions, unless speculation is your strategy.
-If you need 30% to 40% deposit then your leverage is low so you’re going to need an outstanding return to make it worthwhile.Consider the opportunity cost. ie you can get into a deal with 10% of purchase price any day in Oz (5% deposit plus 5%…[Read more]
30pc replied to the topic Skiing – Love it in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Also Pen check out what type of title they have. If they are on leasehold (correct term?) you might have difficulty getting finance. Suggest you check this out as part of your DD. Not sure if this issue was covered in the other thread.