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I didn’t know Residex had rent reports, we use Residex for sales information.Could be helpful. I use Property Investor Magazine for generalised rent values across Oz. Or for asking rents in any given locality.
If you have $150k you are better off buying a commercial office in St Kilda Melbourne with a 10% return all to yourself.
As to the childcare centre deal, how much of a return is that to you?There are at least 15 suburbs in Australia that I know of that have returns of 10%. I’m not arguing this point any more. Je suis fini.
Except with Rotorua, I suggest buying sight and smell unseen !
Go you good thing.Slowly..but surely..I’m getting it Elvis.
no I don’t check with the real estate, I expect all clients to tell the absolute truth !! and besides, I don’t think anyone would make up an appraisal????!!!.
We always ask because sometimes we have no flipping idea what it’s worth ![confused2]Great website, if only I could work out how to zoom in !
I wonder if there is a website like that for QLD.
Thank you.Good area for capital growth not so good for +cf.
The question was asked about yields. Yes there are plenty out there.
Investing in real estate does not equate to the stockmarket.
Mount Isa is showing high yields. Although we are not talking capital growth, I do believe I have answered the question.
I don’t personaly care about capital growth at all, it is irrelevant because I am buying and holding my +cf property. The rental return is the important thing in my books.
The underlying value of the asset? That would be the market value. Yes it’s important. Not as important as the yield.
It’s my job to know values, that’s why I can find +cf property easily.I had been applying the rules in Steves book for many years before he wrote it and trust me it still works today. The 11 second rule is what I swear by, there are plenty of properties out there. Get off your proverbials and go find them.
Nice haircut <snip>.
Plenty of 10% yields out here in OZ problem is, no one wants to share where they are because they don’t want you buying and creating more competition.
Ok I’ll give you one suburb to start. Mount Isa, QLD.
Now I’ve done it haven’t I?Ah yes the Valuer Generals valuations…..I remember them well. I used to work for them many moons ago.
If the improved value is $45,000, don’t be worried about an unimproved ratable value of $990. The VG’s are super conservative 99% of the time because they don’t like continuous court cases. Your land is probably worth $3000, with the cottage $42,000= total value $45,000.
You pay rates on the council figure. The lower the better. It has nothing to do with market value.We will always give a current market valuation as at the date of inspection but you can ask for a valuation at todays date with the hypothetical renovations already done. eg. Value the property as if it has already been renovated/extended at the date of inspection, therefore your value will be higher automatically without any works commenced of which you can borrow money off. As for a future value, we could project what the future holds but crystal balls are hard to come by lately (kidding).
I would get a valuation done now based on the above, don’t wait 6 months (the market may be very different although it depends where your property is).
If you are not borrowing money for the renovation, I would still do them now and then revalue. Be careful not to overcapitalise or you may lose money if the market is in a sharp downturn in your area.Maybe I should have been a psychiatrist.
Yes it can be addictive but at least we’re getting alot of exercise which is important. The eye balls are being exercised and so are the fingers. We’re a healthy bunch eh?
I agree, the market is definately cooling off in Sydney. Great time buy real estate in Australia this year. If interest rates go up, even better
I’m buying at least 10 more +cf properties this year and next year I’m buying +cf in Ontario Canada (my husband is Canadian).
Good show on The Great Outdoors tonight 730pm in Sydney. All about buying properties overseas. Should be interesting.True confessions of a Valuer: I constantly find my self sucked in when I hear peoples life stories and although I try hard to distance myself from life and my profession, I sometimes give people more for their valuations when I feel sorry for them. I need help.Ha ha ha.
*Bows to RussH* You are on the money ! Good to see some people here with brains. I think we go to the same McKnight school of success.[thumbsupanim]