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  • 1974Angela replied to the topic Ex housing commission houses in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 4 months ago

    Quite a lot of redevelopment on the Burnie seafront at the moment – if you go to the Councils website they should have further info. I dont think you can go far wrong if you have a cashflow focus for the future, irrelevant of CG. Although my opinion is Tassie will definately see further growth. Love Tassie!

  • 1974Angela replied to the topic Whos is working in the mines to get ahead? in the forum Forum Frolic 17 years, 4 months ago

    We are in Kalgoorlie, my husband is a underground truck driver – salary around $68k but closer to $90k with bonuses.  He works a four days on, four days off, four nights on, etc. Certainly the qualified tradespeople etc can earn much bigger $.It is very hard work, but their are women here doing it. The days are very long –  14 hours by the time t…[Read more]

  • 1974Angela replied to the topic Kids and Mortgages!!!!! in the forum No Subject 17 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks Richard, still trying to understand all this trust info – If serviceability is still an issue, then how does buying in a trust allow you to purchase more properties, than buying in your own names?
    I understand it provides you with more asset protection.
    Would a trust still be beneficial if we sold the business and returned working for wages?

  • 1974Angela replied to the topic Australia’s Best Cashflow Positive Suburb in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 11 months ago

    We have two properties in Waverley a suburb of Launceston they return as follows:
    1. Purchase price $124k (purchased late in Tassie boom 2005) currently rented for $220 per week.
    2. Purchase price $150k (bought mid 2006) also rented for $220k.

    Overall position positive on paper (once depreciation etc). You can still purchase property in this area…[Read more]

  • 1974Angela replied to the topic Kids and Mortgages!!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks Qlds007, to answer your questions;
    1. We are renting in WA, are delaying owning PPOR at the moment in favour of further investing, but also interested in knowing how others are able to “rent their own investment property?”
    2. We lived in the TAS property 12 months before leaving there
    3. We run our business as a partnership, our accountant…[Read more]


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