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  • 10In10 replied to the topic FINDING THE CONFIDENCE in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi All,
    First of all THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed. After taking a few hours (whilst at work and ALT-TABing) I have managed to go through ALL the replies. This information is invaluable as it comes from people WHO HAVE PUT MONEY WHERE THEIR MOUTH IS as the expression goes. Over 2 years ago (May ’03) I purchased a 2-bedroom unit in…[Read more]

  • 10In10 replied to the topic What would you do with $10,000? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Diggo & MT87,
    First of all WELL DONE to have started thinking about IPs at such a young age. Like MT87 I am also interested in 12Dailypro, although I have visited the website, I wouldn’t mind knowing a bit about if 1st hand from yourself. Thanks Diggo.



    Ram Vemula
