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  • Richard,Thanks for the e-mail.The deed of our SMSF says that the trustee can invest in "financial products including installment warrants, options, futures..etc…" which I think provides the fundation to invest in Bare Trust Warrants without the necessity to change the trust deed.In regards with the non-recurse loan,I have the following general…[Read more]

  • Interesting topic as we are exactly in the same situation.We use to have our Super in AXA. Back in November we created our SMSF and moved all the cash to the new Super Fund. Timing was very lucky as after that the market went down the hill.Now we have the cash and we are  shoping around for a NON RECOURSE loan to laverage a residential pro…[Read more]

  • 100 replied to the topic Astute Accountant + Creative Broker +Lawyer in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Dear Megan and Simon,
    Thanks very much for the references.
    Best regards,


  • 100 replied to the topic Company or Trust or Trust Company? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 2 months ago

    Dear CATA and GP,
    Thanks very much for your e-mails. I think is good to discuss these issues in the forum as I am pretty sure more than one will pick up some knowledge as I am doing.

    Cata re your question I guess the idea would be to create a balanced portfolio of properties in the Trustee and do some sort of cross guarantee to minimise the risk.…[Read more]

  • 100 replied to the topic Company or Trust or Trust Company? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 2 months ago

    Dear Cata and GP,
    In my previous e-mail I should say HDT (Hybrid Discretionary Trust) rather than DT only. Apologies for the confusion. as I am new with all this jargon.[blush2]
    Having corrected that, I would like to rephrase the whole thin:
    Scenario One:
    1-To move some properties into Superannuation Funds in the short term.
    2-Flexibility to…[Read more]

  • 100 replied to the topic Company or Trust or Trust Company? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 2 months ago

    Dear CATA and GP, thanks for your e-mails! Much appreciated!
    Today I went to see my accountant with the following outcome:

    1-The UT is required if I have the intention to move IP to my Super Fund. As GP said there are rules to comply like it is not permitted to mortgage the property.

    2-Discretionary Trust (DT) will allow me to distribute the…[Read more]

  • 100 replied to the topic Company or Trust or Trust Company? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks very much GP.
    I beleive that if the HDT issues units, that will allow me to buy them and hence move the money sourced from the loan into the HDT, then the HDT could buy units into the UT and finally buy the property under the UT name instead of mine.
    Make sense? Also, I think that if I am buying units from the HDT, that will allow me to…[Read more]

  • 100 replied to the topic Company or Trust or Trust Company? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 2 months ago

    Dear All,
    I said on the 7/6/05 that I will be back…so I am with more questions.

    The last few weeks have been very interesting, as I have been gaining lots of knowledge.

    My outcome is a follows:

    For my specific circumstances i.e.:
    -Married, 2 children 16 and 8,higher bracket taxpayer

    And my goal in this venture:
    -To have 10 positive cash flow…[Read more]

  • 100 replied to the topic Wishlist in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 19 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Steve,

    I would classify the user of this site as follow:

    Group1- Users doing the first steps.

    Group2- Users that got 1 or more investments.

    For Group One, it would be nice to have:
    -Access to advise on how to set up the best structure to start investing.
    As there is professional liability involved in this suggestion, maybe the case to…[Read more]

  • 100 replied to the topic Profit washing scheme using a trust and loss entit in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Terryw and Cata,
    I read the TA and seems to me that ATO does not like the hybrid trust? If this is the case, what type of Trust would be better to start investing on properties?
    Best regards,

  • 100 replied to the topic Company or Trust or Trust Company? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Terryw and Cata,
    Thanks very much for the response. Actually thanks to all. I am pretty much impressed with the quality of knowledge in the forum.
    I will study your answers and must probably come back with more questions.
    Best regards,


  • 100 replied to the topic Company or Trust or Trust Company? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Terryw and Cata,
    Thanks very much for the response. Actually thanks to all. I am pretty much impressed with the quality of knowledge in the forum.
    I will study your answers and must probably come back with more questions.
    Best regards,


  • 100 replied to the topic Company or Trust or Trust Company? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 3 months ago

    Hello All,
    This is my first mail as I just joined the site.
    I guess I am in the same situation than Nahna, preparing the fundamentals to start making real money.
    From the e-mails plus other sources I guess the follwoing:
    1-Set up a Family Trust
    2-Do not specified the beneficiaries on it.
    3-Set up a Trustee Company P/L that will administered the…[Read more]


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