All Topics / Buy, Swap & Sell / Posts In This Forum

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  • Profile photo of SiteAdminSiteAdmin
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 18

    This forum has been created to allow people to buy, swap or sell information products. Please note that does not warrant the condition or fitness or use of the products traded. Those buying need to make sure that the seller has the right to sell the product and be aware of the inclusions, including that some of the inclusions may have expired or be no longer relevant.

    When making a post on this forum you should NOT include the features of the product like an eBay listing, instead you should simply list the name of the product, the price you would like for it, and then link the product description to an external site.

    This forum is for genuine second-hand sales, not for third parties to sell their information products as originals or clearance stock.

    Copyright infringements will be enforced to the fullest extent of the law.

    Profile photo of mattstamattsta
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 604

    i saw this added forum just today, and was curious what this was all about.
    This should be interesting… especially since I know that many people are really eager to learn more.
    This is a great way to share

    hmmm. i wonder if I have anything to sell..

    Profile photo of kong71286

    Thanks for creating this thread smiley

    I'm interested in the Ron White memory courses

    If you've completed the course, and would like some extra cash feel free to send me a PM for a quick sale

    I'm based in Ballarat, so if its within driving distance I can come pick it up in person

    Otherwise would prefer to do it via E-bay and paypal

    Profile photo of M.InvestigatorM.Investigator
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 134

    Kong, I haven't done Ron White's memory courses, but I hadn't heard of him before either.

    Is he Australian?

    I've read some of Tony Buzan's memory and brainstorming and mindmap books though. Good stuff too.

    Profile photo of kong71286

    Me neither M.Investigator

    The first I heard of him was at one of the Mega Conferences

    I think he is American or Canadian

    Profile photo of AwethenticAwethentic
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 5

    Dear Admin,

    Please advise where we go to see what items are for sale, or to post stuff to sell.

    Many thanks.

    All the best, cheers and enjoy.


    Profile photo of propertygirl1988propertygirl1988
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 31

    Hi admin,

    Please delete my ads for the Home Inspection Spy and Renovation Toolbox.



    Profile photo of GregGreg
    Join Date: 2014
    Post Count: 2


    I just joined the forum and saw this thread. What sort of information products are we allowed to buy swap or sell? I have a good few that are gathering dust that I am sure some people might find better use for than me.


    Profile photo of ModeratorModerator
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 39

    Hi Greg,

    Typically people are selling second hand books and old course material. I think this is the main intent.

    Needs to be genuine second hand sales (not commercial reselling). Copyright requirements need to be followed as per above.

    If you are concerned about an item you want to list please PM with the details and I can help you further.


    – Moderator

    Profile photo of Robert VRobert V
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 1

    i would like to post some second hand material for sale but dont know how to do it – please advise – Robert – – thank you

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