All Topics / Help Needed! / Helpful Research Sites?

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  • Profile photo of Ablaz

    Hi Guys
    I’m trying to get a list together of online property research data sites.
    sites that provide sales history in a postcode
    and targeted address sales prices
    i only know of the following sites
    if anyone knows of any others sites that supply Melbourne related property data that could be helpful in research please advise me

    Thanks heaps

    Profile photo of TinkerbellTinkerbell
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 26

    Try RP Data, I’m not sure of the exact address, just type it in google and it will come up. That’s where i get my suburb profiles.

    Profile photo of Yorker

    I know a couple of places… Are you prepared to pay for good quality information or are you content to rely upon freebies prepared by junior punters?

    Profile photo of powmowpowmow
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    not meaning to sound rude Yorker, but what makes your “info” so good that it is worth paying for?[hmmm]

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    The RP data link is:

    Another “suburb snapshot” site can be found through which is also worthwhile looking at.

    There are others, but I can’t think of them off the top of my head ATM.



    Profile photo of Yorker

    I don’t find you rude at all pow mow.

    Profile photo of FFCommFFComm
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 627

    “Are you prepared to pay for good quality information or are you content to rely upon freebies prepared by junior punters?”

    I hardly think Home Price Guide is prepared by junior punters.
    And as for RP Data:

    “The size of X is approximately 16 km². It has 13 parks covering nearly 17% of the total area. There are 4 schools and 2 childcare centres located in X. The population of X in 1996 was 13,217 people. By 2001 the population was 14,363 showing a population growth of 9% in the area during that time. The predominant age group in X is 20 – 29 years. Households in X are primarily couples without children and are likely to be repaying over $2000.00 per month on mortgage repayments.

    In general, people in X work in a professional occupation. In 1996, 39% of the homes in X were owner-occupied compared with 40% in 2001. Currently the median sale price of houses in the area is $1,170,000.”

    I hardly think that is amateur…

    It also contains household structure, household income, etc, etc.


    Profile photo of Ablaz

    Yorker i am nore than happy th pay for good information.
    just looking at the RP Data site and it does not seem to contain and reports for melbourne.
    its a shame
    Thanks for the input guys [cap]

    Profile photo of jinnyjinny
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1

    Hello everyone. This is my first message. Yorker I am interested in your response. I am happy to pay for good quality information but do not want to waste money. Are there some that are worth the money? I seem to recall seeing messages that some people felt some information was a waste of their money.
    Many thanks

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    The REIWA site for properties in Perth is great.. i also use , other than that..valuer generals office.


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    Profile photo of ujacobs9964ujacobs9964
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    You can get great data from Residex on
    but it will cost you.
    Large number of varying reports that I find very helpfull.
    Property Friends

    Profile photo of Monopoly


    I have already told you that the likelihood of attracting customers through the methods you employ on this site will not be very helpful to you.

    As you may have noticed, people tend to rely on data provided for free, and second to this, if they do agree to pay for a service, they will often do so with a company who has a legitimate website ie. RP Data and/or Residex.

    May I suggest to you, once again, get a website up and running, and then put all your hard work (which I am sure you do) in order to promote yourself and establish the credibility that people will want/need before they part with their cash.

    No offense, but I wouldn’t pay for info or seek advice (ie. a mortgage broker) from a forum poster, unless they had some kind of established link either to an email address or a website address, preferrably the latter, and at least a contact number. Take a look at the brokers postings, their signatures always contain website link address and/or mobile contact details.

    Annonymity will not serve you well in trying to establish credibility for your business. Not in today’s society!!!

    All the best,


    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Yorker said:

    “Are you prepared to pay for good quality information or are you content to rely upon freebies prepared by junior punters?”

    hehe, Yorker… that kind of statement sounds like the worst kind of marketeering… and it makes a few assumptions:

    (1) that free stuff is useless;
    (2) that if if an investor doesn’t buy stuff from you, they are an amateur.

    Most RE information can be found on the net for free, in some of the above-mentioned sites. I am sure if people are looking for other information that cannot be found for free on the net, then they will pay for it. But you’d really have to demonstrate differentiation of your product, Yorker, to show why it is worthwhile to purchase.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of RicherDadRicherDad
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    I am new to this forum lark, but I have read the previous posts on this topic.

    I am from Perth and when investing there I ask the Valuer General’s office for my research data and it usually costs $25.00 for a suburb report giving 110 records of the description and sale price of houses,units and land. The free reports form Commbank and give general suburb data that you can get from the ABS website. But I need specific sales data.

    I would like to invest in Melbourne but in Victoria due to privacy laws the Valuer General’s office tells me they are not allowed to give out sales data and corresponding addresses.

    The web addresses below charge between $50-$90 for a suburb report of sales data. (doesn’t do vic data)

    Having a closer look at this data it appears to be estimates on what a house in a particular area, not specific sales data (as they aren’t able to disclose this)

    My question is if these are guesstimates how accurate is the information in these reports in getting an idea of what property is selling for. Has anyone used these reports and how accurate have they found them to be.

    Any assitance would be greatly appreciated.

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Hi Andrew, DOES now include Victoria, for both it’s free and paid reports. The “free” information is somewhat less detailed than it once was, and understandably, has never included sales figures for obvious reasons.


    Profile photo of Yorker

    I don’t recall RPData being free guys. Our subscriptions are in excess of 12k a year. The stuff they put on for free is of little use to serious investors. Josie my dear, I fear you have little to no idea of what you are talking about.

    Profile photo of Yorker

    Josie, it really depends on what your after. If you just want basic stats, these websites that have been listed are fine. However, if you desire expert analysis to go with your Stats you are going to have to pay for it. Example BIS SShrapnel put out very detailed analytical reports which cost in excess of $5000 per copy. These reports are worth there weight in gold and can provide some key insights into property markets by people who are actively in them every day. I pay a great deal for research and have found it has served me very well. Each to there own I guess.

    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by Yorker:

    I don’t recall RPData being free guys. Our subscriptions are in excess of 12k a year. The stuff they put on for free is of little use to serious investors. Josie my dear, I fear you have little to no idea of what you are talking about.

    Yorker, I will accept your criticism upon the ignorance to which it is based; no surprises there.

    As far as RPData is concerned, it’s validity was not the main focus of my post, but rather in answering the question as to whether Victoria was reinstated in its data source; of which it now is.

    If you are trying to pick an argument, you can stop right there, as I have no interest in engaging with such time wasters as yourself.

    Profile photo of Yorker
    Profile photo of ShOw_Me_ThE_MoNeYShOw_Me_ThE_MoNeY
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 80

    Hey… This is another one that i find usefull….

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