All Topics / Overseas Deals / Showing you mine – before rehab photos, Toledo Ohio

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  • Profile photo of EngeloRumoraEngeloRumora
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 618

    Hey guys,

    I hope your all well.

    There where a few posts exchanged on an other topic with “Ill show you mine if you show me yours” lollol

    So here I am showing you mine :)

    I will try and reignite the dark side (overseas) of the forum with some interesting video’s and photos of what our company is doing in Ohio.

    Click on link below to see photos of this beauty we just purchased.

    Thanks and have a great day.

    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
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    Profile photo of BennyteeBennytee
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 243

    Hi Engelo,

    I was in Kansas city recently I wanted to catch up, but Sean & Dan said you moved to Toledo. I might see you on my next trip.

    Good luck with your rehab

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Bennytee Bennytee.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Bennytee Bennytee.
    Profile photo of Jamie MooreJamie Moore
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5,069

    Before rehab photos? I was expecting some different pics……then realised it was the overseas forum and “rehab” in the world of US property investing means something different :-)



    Jamie Moore | Pass Go Home Loans Pty Ltd
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    Mortgage Broker assisting clients Australia wide Email: [email protected]

    Profile photo of EngeloRumoraEngeloRumora
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 618

    Hi Engelo,

    I was in Kansas city recently I wanted to catch up, but Sean & Dan said you moved to Toledo. I might see you on my next trip.

    Good luck with your rehab

    Thanks Ben

    I hope your stay in KC was pleasant.

    Have a great day.

    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
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    Profile photo of EngeloRumoraEngeloRumora
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 618

    Before rehab photos? I was expecting some different pics……then realised it was the overseas forum and “rehab” in the world of US property investing means something different :-)




    Thanks jamie,

    I hope you have been well.

    Welcome to the dark side lollol

    I have many US investor friends that say renovation instead of rehab but most will use the word “rehab”

    Have a great day.

    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
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    Profile photo of streamlineinvestingstreamlineinvesting
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 171

    Looks good Engelo, looking forward to seeing the “after” pictures…as well as a bit of a breakdown of all the costs, it is amazing to see how much work you can get done to a property cheaply over there in the states.

    Profile photo of EngeloRumoraEngeloRumora
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 618

    Looks good Engelo, looking forward to seeing the “after” pictures…as well as a bit of a breakdown of all the costs, it is amazing to see how much work you can get done to a property cheaply over there in the states.

    Thanks for your comment.

    Have a great day.

    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
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    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 63

    It seems that almost everyone selling in the US is concentrating on Atlanta, and most seem to also be selling the same kind of properties in the same areas. Surely it’s overdone by now.

    And although I still am very strong in the Kansas City areas, I’ve also now started in Ohio, and have associated with one of the better and very established companies that have a great range of properies in different areas in Cleveland, Akron and Columbus, but also have a terrific back-end full service team, including full inhouse property management.

    I was getting asked quite a lot about the Ohio market, but it semems certain areas haven’t been very good for some investors, so now I can also offer a good range there.

    Many areas to choose from in the US, and it seems buyers are constantly being directed at different markets at many seminars, etc, and seem to go with the herd, or just on someone telling them where thry should buy.

    I also thought that cheaper end properties such as you get in most Ohio cities, were not that popular, but that’s not the case it seems, many are wanting to still buy the low to mid priced properties, so I’ve now taken that up and see what happens.


    Profile photo of EngeloRumoraEngeloRumora
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 618

    It seems that almost everyone selling in the US is concentrating on Atlanta, and most seem to also be selling the same kind of properties in the same areas. Surely it’s overdone by now.

    And although I still am very strong in the Kansas City areas, I’ve also now started in Ohio, and have associated with one of the better and very established companies that have a great range of properies in different areas in Cleveland, Akron and Columbus, but also have a terrific back-end full service team, including full inhouse property management.

    I was getting asked quite a lot about the Ohio market, but it semems certain areas haven’t been very good for some investors, so now I can also offer a good range there.

    Many areas to choose from in the US, and it seems buyers are constantly being directed at different markets at many seminars, etc, and seem to go with the herd, or just on someone telling them where thry should buy.

    I also thought that cheaper end properties such as you get in most Ohio cities, were not that popular, but that’s not the case it seems, many are wanting to still buy the low to mid priced properties, so I’ve now taken that up and see what happens.


    Thanks Jeff,

    Atlanta and Florida :)

    I hear about it every day.

    The hedge funds have bought up majority of the killer deals in those areas and its much more scarce now, is what I have heard from our networks.

    Just as we moved from KC to Ohio the hedge funds have opened the flood gates and there is a buying frenzy going on in KC at the moment. Its frightening to see the areas they are buying in. Recipe for disaster if you ask me.

    I very much like that Ohio and Michigan still have a “stigma” associated with the 2 states. Most single investors and institutional are hesitant of jumping in.

    Being on the ground and seeing everything first hand makes it obvious that they are mistaken. Off course there are certain areas of a city not to invest in but that should be the consideration across the whole board of US not just Michigan and Ohio.

    Thanks for your post Jeff

    Have a great day.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of EngeloRumora EngeloRumora.

    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
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    Profile photo of Nigel KibelNigel Kibel
    Join Date: 2005
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    have you been on the ground in ohio and seen the deals there

    i am currently in orlando with clients

    Nigel Kibel | Property Know How
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    I was actually selling in Cleveland and other areas going back about 3 0r 4 years ago, so had some knowledge of the areas.

    I also know others that are actually from Cleveland, and get to know the different areas, and have just had a client visit to inspect some of the properties, meet the team and get to know their back-end setup, I have been in contact with the owners of the company for almost a year as they are arguably one of the better more established companies and have an excellent set up, as they also manage all their properties in-house, they will not buy, rehab and sell anything that is in a warzone or high crime area, as they have to be able to collect the rents and manage them.

    But certainly, you are looking at the cheaper to mid range pricepoints, in good solid working class areas, and I’m in constant contact with the head of property management, and some of the other team over there. I also know of others (Americans) that also own investment property in Ohio, namely Cleveland again, and do very well, and are actually buying more, and again, i get to know about the better areas straight from the horses mouth. I have great eyes and ears on the ground.

    And i know the point your making…..and i also know of many that sell properties and constantly travel over there, and i also hear of many that do go over a lot that still cause many problems and sell crap to buyers, it all depends on who you are working with on the ground over there, and also, being honest and upfront yourself. Some of the worst horror stories I hear are from those that have purchased from a company that even have offices over there and employ local staff, and i have clients that brought through them and then through me and are very happy with the results I’ve provided.

    Bottom Line, buyers have to realize that most companies, whether the large seminar marketing companies, the large sales companies, or the small buyers agent, do not actually own the properties they sell, and that after purchase, the buyer will be then dealing mostly with their US sources, and that’s where it usually falls apart. especially if the local company doesn’t want to know after a purchase is made, or a buyer is dealing with a commissioned salesperson initially, who really doesn’t care less as long as they make a sale and make good commissions, and then the people on the ground over there provide a terrible service and don’t respond in any way.

    Nigel, you know who i deal with re the US Tax etc, and i only deal with the very best professionals everywhere, and provide a very personal and ongoing service to buyers, I have

    I’m sure you do the same, as does Engelo, and i know some others over here that I think also do the right thing by their clients, and have great relationships with their Asset Teams or service providers in the US.


    Profile photo of EngeloRumoraEngeloRumora
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 618

    Thanks Jeff,

    Great post.

    Our model has changed quite a bit from the previous years.

    We rarely work with Australian investors these days.

    We work with quite a few Canadian investors and there are many Californian investors buying in the Midwest.

    We, also started working in a slightly higher end market than before and cater rehabs to owner occupiers believe it or not.

    Yes, owner occupiers lollol

    Thanks for reading and feel free to reach out if your ever in Ohio.

    Have a great day.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of EngeloRumora EngeloRumora.

    EngeloRumora | Ohio Cashflow
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