All Topics / Help Needed! / Tax depreciation sheet help

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  • Profile photo of bacchubacchu
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 62

    Hey guys,
    I have been using a tax agent to fill in my tax return since i have one IP. This year i wanted to do i on my own . But cant quite figure it out in etax do i put in data from the depreciation sheet ? is there any tutorial somewhere ?

    Profile photo of MADPropertyMADProperty
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 44

    I haven't used e-tax so not sure about filling it in but will see if I can help.  Where are you putting your Rental Income and Rental Expenses? 

    Profile photo of wisepearlwisepearl
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 264

    i did mine on e-tax and used the depreciation schedule. what bit are you stuck on?

    if your depreciation schedule is anything like mine, you’ll end up with two nice numbers. one is what you claim on capital depreciation, ie the building. and the other is on plant and other assets. Put the amount you can claim back on the building into the box labelled R on the rental expenses spreadsheet, called capital works or something. Then put the plant/assets into box I “capital allowances”. but this only works if you are only claiming the amounts exactly as labelled on the depreciation schedule. if you need to open the depreciation worksheet you must enter everything manually. you may do this if you have added something to depreciate since the schedule (eg renovating/painting or new asset).

    hope this helps, and hope the info is correct!!

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