All Topics / General Property / Melbourne / Tasmania / Wellington, NZ lifestyle ?

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  • Profile photo of martin_odenellmartin_odenell
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 5

    This is not exactly a property investment post,
    more of a property lifestyle dilemma question.

    I am an early 40s married Australian, born in Melbourne.

    I own a flat in bay side Melbourne.
    It is nice living there, but it is noisy.
    The hedonistic lifestyle that has taken
    over the area I am living in last 10 years,
    has become annoying. Or maybe I am just getting old…

    I would love to buy a 600m2 lot house in Melbourne suburbs,
    but the high prices in my opinion are not justified.

    I am currently living and working in Wellington, New Zealand.
    Compared to Melbourne I LOVE the peace and quiet in Wellington.

    I considered buying a property in Wellington, NZ,
    but potential earthquakes wiping out a NZD$500K investment
    and the fact that it is far from family and friends in
    Melbourne is a turn off. The economy is not that strong in NZ,
    so the houses seem a little overpriced.

    So I have been considering Northern Tasmania.
    Houses prices are more reasonable. I could get
    an 0.5 hectare block with a 1900s fixer upper federation
    weather board on it for AUD$350K. I wouldn't be
    working in Tasmania, just house DIY and taking it easy on the lot.
    I suspect I'll find the peace and quiet I have in
    Wellington in Tasmania. If I got bored in Tasmania I
    could take a ferry back to Melbourne and live in Bayside,
    Melbourne until I got sick of the madding crowds again.

    Though I have heard a few stories from Victorians
    who made the switch to Tasmania, and although they
    praise the state, they end up chucking it in and
    returning to Melbourne after a few years…

    What should I do ?
    What other information should I consider ?
    High quality problems, I know…

    Regardless, would appreciate advice/opinions from anyone
    who has made the switch from Melbourne to Tasmania North.


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