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  • Profile photo of Gordon B GekkoGordon B Gekko
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 3

    hi all

    i would like to see if anyone can help me with the following situation. I am trying to gauge whether I have enough time to take advantage of the FHOG and, if so, what is the best way to go about it.

    Key points:

    – my parents own their place in full (main residence), and they have plenty of room at the back for a 2 bedroom unit
    – i have already engaged an who is at site analysis stage and he has already had discussions with the local council.
    – given its at site analysis, its still very early days, but council have said that its fine to put something on the back of the block, provided it complies with Rescode blah blah
    – I have a builder in mind for the construction of this unit (battle axe arrangement), who has already verbally agreed to take on the job
    – construction will cost about 200K and about another 30K architect/legal/subdivision costs
    – property will/should have a market value of about 400K +/-

    From my understanding the FHOG (with Boost) ends on june 30 2009. And it states that I must get into a contract with my builder before this date for it to constitute a 'new dwelling' therefore making me eligible for the 14K boost on top of the 7K.

    Given formal town planning proceedings havent taken place yet, is it possible to enter some sort of conditional contract with builder in order to benefit from FHOG before it expires? Or has too much time passed?

    (note : As an aside, i dont mean to come across like i am trying rort the system, rather i am asking as i have legitimate intentions in living there and have limited finds for the stamp duty triggered by the transfer. Thought I would mention this as I am well aware people may get a little uncomfortable upon reading a post of this nature)

    any help on this would be greatly appreciated



    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024


    Wont comment on the timeframe as this will be determined by your Local Council Authority and they are best placed to answer that one.

    With regards to your eligibility the new property will need to have its own Title for you to claim the FHOG as otherwise the property will be in your parents name and you wont qualify for the FHOG or indeed a loan to construct.

    Given this i would be first seeing whether subdivision is possible rather than seeing how quickly you can engage a builder.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

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