Don't know if anyone can help, but would appreciate any feedback. We are looking at borrowing 100% to buy a new home. We will be keeping our existing home which is currently debt free & renting it out. If we were to have the bank take out a mortgage over both properties, can we negatively gear part of the loan & if so how much i.e. would it be the value of our existing property today or would it be the original purchase price from 12 years ago.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but non of the interest on the new loan will be tax deductible as the purpose of the new funds is not for investment.
The security offered is imaterial the ATO look at the purpose of the borrowings.
Only alternatve would be to look at crunching the numbers on selling the property to a Unit Trust where you both are Unit holders.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
This is one of the most common wrong things to do to activate a tax audit of your tax affairs by the ATO as they look for this common mistake when checking tax returns.
But It must be positively geared (i.e. rental income + deprecitation – land tax, council fee, management fee etc) and distribute to the lowest income. you have to hold it for the long term in order to recoup the stamp duty loss.
All you would so is sell the current PPOR either to a Unit Trust with the highest marginal tax payer holding the units or altenatively buy 50% from your spouse.
Depending on the property valuation and your marginal tax rate the stamp duty cost can be made up within the first 12 -18 months quiet easily purely on the interest savings alone.
Obviously the higher the marginal tax rate the more advantagous the numbers become.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
If it is positvely geared I would establish a DFT if it was negatively geared and you need to claim the interest, Dep, BWR etc against Tax then a UT is the recommend choice of Trusts.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender