All Topics / General Property / Seling my residence to rent and purchase investment properties?

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  • Profile photo of Shane FellShane Fell
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 2

    I'm  interested in selling my residence  to purchase  more investments properties, my thoughts are to rent a property for my families residence. 

    Profile photo of austin_hanson2000austin_hanson2000
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 2

    I don't think that's a bad idea, coz you don't have to pay any tax on your capital gain and you can rent whereever you like. But becareful though, buy investment properties are not easy, tons of factors need to be considered, capital gain tax, manage tenants, insurance, location, the mood of the entire market at the moment and your future goals. By the way, I am an accountant, if you have some tax related questions, just post a question. I am in QLD, I don't know where are you. Good luck!

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