All Topics / Help Needed! / Turning PPOR into IP

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  • Profile photo of silvery39silvery39
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1

    Hi I need some help/advice on my situation:

    My company is relocating me from Brisbane to Perth in about 2-3months time. I have 1 property, PPOR a 3br townhouse (50/50 wife) and the loan is 3.5years old – principle & interest with redraw facility. Originally borrowed 190k (property cost 215), then 1 year later used equity and borrowed another 20 to buy a car. 2 years later the 20 was paid off. We now owe about 165k and the property would be valued around 300k. The current redraw facility is around 25k.

    Current aim is to rent out PPOR, and initially rent in Perth for first 6months then consider buying a place. The plan is to turn PPOR into IP for indefinate period, probably unlikely to ever move back in. I imagine the property will be negatively geared for at least the first 5 years.

    So question:
    As PPOR isn’t becoming IP until 2-3 months time, can I between now and then clear out the redraw facility (leaving 1-2k) into a personal high interest account? What would be the tax consequences? Obviously I would like the IP loan to be as high as possible to keep the most amount of interest deductible, whilst taking out my excess funds – to use on a deposit for a new place.

    My reasoning is that a redraw facility really means this is how much ahead of the minimum repayments you are. I understand once becomes IP, then there can be no redrawing of such money unless it is for investment purposes, or you lose the deductibility. ie. redraw personal money now, then leave mortgage alone, and only make minimum payments thereafter.

    Any help/advice is much appreciated.

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Hi Silvery

    There are a couple of considerations however it is possible to make the full interest on $300K full tax deductible.

    You could use the additional monies raised to sit in an offset account for the time being and then withdraw it to use it as a deposit for your new PPOR when you purchase in Perth.

    Regretfully redrawing does not help you as the ATO purpose will fail and the interest will be disallowed.

    Happy to work the numbers for you if you provide me with a little more information.


    Richard Taylor
    Residential & Commercial Finance Broker.
    Licensed Financial Planner. Ph: 07 3720 1888
    [email protected]
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    Profile photo of kellylockkellylock
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 60

    The other thing is, the more that you redraw, the longer it will take for the property to turn into a positively geared property. Or is it that you want the tax benefits over the positive cash flow?

    Instead, could you use the equity (because you have a fair bit) to buy something. Obviously not your PPOR, but maybe another investment, thereby increasing your wealth…


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