All Topics / Legal & Accounting / Insurance Advisor

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  • Profile photo of samtowerssamtowers
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 2

    Hi All

    I need someone to talk to about public liability insurance but I dont want to go the insurance providers because I want independant advice.

    Any suggestions on who I should talk to?



    Profile photo of L.A AussieL.A Aussie
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1,488

    Hi Sam,
    many property managers ask for a copy of the insurance on your property when they take on the management (mine do anyway).
    They usually request a pub/liab worth $20 million, and I use this amount as standard on my properties.
    You can go for less, but the cost difference is not all that much and is tax deductable.
    I also do my Landlord’s insurance at the same time and through the same company. All my properties are grouped together under the one policy – this works out cheaper, and as I have been a client for a long time, they allow me to split the payment so there is not such a cash drain when the premiums are due.
    The company I use is in Victoria, but they do policies for me in other states.
    Their name is A.I.S Insurance Brokers. phone no; 03 8699 8888.
    Ask for Doug Allen – he will give you some frank advice with no bull****.

    [email protected]

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