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  • Profile photo of graham3graham3
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 5

    Does anyone have any thoughts about the way they sructure their ownership of their properties to minimise the land tax issuse in nsw.Company structures are not good for this problem as they are taxed each year on 31st Dec but are some what safe from preditors. I can not recall the subject been raised before .I was wondering how others held a large number of properties when land taxs starts to bit.or is just a proplem we all have to live with Thanks for any help Graham

    Profile photo of elkamelkam
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 722

    Hello Graham3

    There was athread on this topic just recently. Here is the link.

    Cheers Elka

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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