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  • Profile photo of brfcbrfc
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1

    Hi all,

    I am a new member to this forum. I am very impressed with the level of support and insightful knowledge most members provide.

    I have read the 2 books written by Steve and found that his method of wealth creation logical and workable.

    After reading his second book, I am motivated to start something (anything). As he said action + reaction = momentum.

    However, I don’t have much resources to invest in property. No equity and no savings.

    So, what can I do to start the investment journey?

    I have considered the creative financing options many have mentioned before such as money partners, OPMs, relatives and friends.

    But as you’re a new player, not much people will invest with you unless you are in someways proven to perform (money follows management).

    I am thinking the best way of attack is to get into spotting properties to accumulate some equity and get a taste of the action. But it seems like a difficult task as well, as:

    *I am not proven (who will pay for my recommendations?).

    *Also not knowing the legal implications of spotting (such as liability and advice responsibilities).

    *Don’t know how the actual arrangement works?
    -Is there a contract?
    -What happens if client sees my recommendation and saying he/she doesn’t like my recomm., but went ahead to buy the property? (wouldn’t I be spotting property for nothing then?)

    So basically, just want intro. of what needs to be known to be a spotter.

    Also any solutions of how I can start property investing and finance would be greatly appreciated.


    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    Welcome to the forum, and thanks for reading my books.

    You have picked up on:

    action + reaction = momentum

    but don’t forget that:

    money follows management

    As such, I’d suggest trying to find a deal that looks attractive and then shop it around. Perhaps even get in touch with another bird-dog and ask them to refer it to his or her (mini cough, splutter, wink) database for a cut of the profit.

    Ultimately, someone else has ‘the market’ if you can provide the right deal.

    Good on ya for giving it a red hot go. It won’t be easy, but it can be done.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    I would totally be open to partnering with a bird-dog on the ground that could find, photograph, inspect, and research great deals for us, even if that was in Australia (we currently specialise in NZ CF+ve deals.) hey, a deal is a deal – if it is a good deal, and you can authoritatively explain why with data to back it up and photos, i.e. find deals for us here with all that entails, then I am sure we can create a method of bird-dogging that is compliant with the laws here just as we have in NZ. And i KNOW from the amount of posts asking ‘where are the CF+ve properties?’ that there is demand.

    Of course CF+ve properties are not the only sort of good deals, but it’s the +ve geared ones that are rare so we’ve proven that investors are prepared to pay to have good deals bought to them.

    email me if you want to chat further.

    joy to the world

    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    “his or her (mini cough, splutter, wink) database for a cut of the profit.” Curtainly. I have a Database of 100 + clients , that i am open to share and negotiate with, to find a deal/to share deals, in a resourceful invironment,.. for a Win-Win deal.

    It’s Simple. 50/50 I just go halfves with the deal!

    As you can imagine there is no way I can satisfy 100 clients and I’m getting 2 – three up to five every week. I have a legal way to do it in Queesnland :) that we can discuss over the table for more information. Also remember, and when you think about this, these people are not wanting just one property in some or a lot of places, some want one, two three or you know , it would not be unusual to go up to ten properties. Expance you mind there is the possibility of hundreds of houses when you try to satify 100 clients who want 10 houses each.

    I’m really surprized, that no-one has ever really asked me, but there is a resource and market and a database at that anyone can tap into.

    I’m happy to take on some young Grasshopper. Buy Steve Mcknights “Buyer Beware” product from of this web site, property, learn that as much as you can.

    Then come and see me or ring me up when you get a lead or something happens 0429232237.

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