All Topics / General Property / What’s Fair?

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  • Profile photo of collector jcollector j
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 41

    Hi Guy’s

    I was thinking what would be a fair secenerio,
    A property purchased for $300,000 fibro tile home on average block in good condition 3 bedroom and garage.

    If the property was to be wrapped, what would be a fair and reasonable wrap arrangement in terms of purchase price, deposit and interest charge to the client

    I have certain figures in mind, though any imput would appreciated.


    Joseph Scarcella
    prime real estate agents
    property management specialists E: [email protected]

    Profile photo of Fast LaneFast Lane
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 527

    Hey J,
    I would sell at between 320-350k, because of the price I probably wouldn’t take less than a 5% deposit and charge a 2-3% premium on the loan.
    Depending on who you’re wrapping to, there could be a few variables, but what I said seems pretty stock-standard? Hope this helps…G7

    Profile photo of collector jcollector j
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 41

    Hi G7,

    Thankyou for the responce, I was pretty close to your figures.


    Joseph Scarcella
    prime real estate agents
    property management specialists E: [email protected]

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