Hi Big Brothrs,
Thank very much for your experince share,but one thing more- The WinFax, Current i use fax line to connect the dial-up internet & receive the fax into my computer, if the fax line is used as ADSL, can i use same line same computer receive fax? as you know that when we receive the fax before we need to drop off internet line first, but in the ADSL case, it is all day conneting to interent,Do we need to plug off the ADSL Line?[]
Theres no need to unplug the ADSL line, depending on how your set up is, are you only sending faxes from your computer operating maching and using a fax machine as a seperate recieve?…. if so there should be no need to unplug it at all…
there is no need, because ADSL acts as a different line to your telephone line, just picture both lines as seperate entities, but were you would normally connect your telephone line into the modem jack, that will be used as your incoming and out going calls, were your ADSL connects, will be either through a USB or firewire port or even on your NIC depending on what type of ADSL modem you purchase.
Or even so again, depending if your printer/faxs is USB/Firewire/NIC, the connection will run through your printer/fax were a telephone connection modula will be available, were again you can use that and have that running off your normal telephone line.