The creditors voted yesterday to liquidate NII. Apparently a very close vote – won by only 3.
The administrator thinks they’re a bunch of idiots. I do too, as this way they might (but probably won’t be) ‘teach Henry a lesson’, but they also will get about 0 cents in the $ back of what they are owed – especially after the administrator takes his mega pay first.
I’m sure there’s an article somewhere. I might even have a look for it although I don’t tend to read the news sites.
Tell me where Andrew Hewitt said that he thinks the creditors are a bunch of idiots? I think you should keep your opinions to yourself about what you think people are. There are reasons the votes went the way they did, and unless you were involved and had your vote in, I don’t think you have a clue what you are talking about.
I am quite annoyed that you can criticise people for something you obviously have no knowledge of!
The purpose of the forum is for a free exchange of opinions and beliefs.
Your response to Mel I believe, is overly emotional and personal. Did not Andrew Hewitt recommend a deed of arrangement as clearly the best course of action to maximise creditors’s returns.
You have obvioulsy made your opinions well known (in another post as well) about Henry Kaye. Should we censor you ?.
May I ask, were you affected in anyway, directly or indirectly by Henry Kaye??
James, yes I am directly involved with Henry Kaye.
Mel, my sincere apologies, I stand corrected about my accusations. I believe after reading your other posts about HK that you have done extremely well for yourself. I am annoyed in myself, not others that I did not investigate into NII before I signed on the dotted line. Although my gut feelings were telling me not to sign with them, I listened to my fiance and her reasons for doing so and fell into the trap.
My reason for voting to liquidate NII was because I had no real knowledge of what to do in this situation and not enough for legal advise after being stung by HK. So I followed my gut feelings this time and followed the advice of Denise Brailey.
I am not usually overly emotional James, it was just a subject that I am pretty cut up about. Again, my sincere apologies!
I have recently, through a friend of mine, actually look at some of the DVD’s that the NII course had.
There is some fantastic information in there, a lot which re-inforces many of the things that I had some knowledge on and some things which might be more difficult in today’s climate to achieve.
On the whole though, I am taking notes in some of the things that I have listened to…..
Ultimately, is it worth $15k or $55k or $1 dollar??Depends what you do with the information.
Have heard alot about the DVD’s and workbooks, etc, however I never got that far through the course to attend the 3 day workshop, so you could say that the cost of the pack is worth nothing to me, just a debt for something I don’t have.
OK Jack, I guess I understand a bit more of where you are coming from if you paid up and have recieved ’nuff all.
If you are interested in seeing the DVDs PM me, and we could perhaps come to an arrangement.
As James said, there is good info, and if you take on board the info, and ask ‘HOW can I do it?’ and ‘Do I REALLY want to do that particular strategy’, you can get quite a lot out of it.
Hope you take Mel up on her offer, she’s a wealth of knowledge..
I no nothing about HK apart from what i’ve read in the paper and corrosponding with others, i admire Mel for the fact that even though she’s suffered the financial losses also ,she’s taken the ‘greater-good’ learned out of the courses etc.. and applied them.
From what i understand, there was a lot of great information contained within the context of some of HK’s teachings.. and i feel sorry for anyone who suffered a loss, especially those near the end of thier earning capacity years..
Wish you all the best in your endeavours
PS- see posts in opinionated re HK
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