All Topics / Opinionated! / Dynamic Duo’s good little earner

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  • Profile photo of rx2_73


    I reckon most of us have had a read of the posting at this top of this forum entitled ‘ +ve Cashflow Deals… limited opportunity ‘. Well I thought I would drop them a line to find out some more details.

    Must admit I got a speedy response of saying :

    “An administration fee of $25 needs to be paid by you for the deals to be emailed to you,(this was a recommendation by steve to weed out the tyrekickers)
    if you are wish to pay admin fee please reply”

    Which fair enough it may meet the objective of weeding out ‘tyrekickers’. But I got to give it to Dyanmic Duo for being forever enterprising, even before they have given any property details out, any details of there finder fee’s or how they operate they are raking in $25. Given the fact the posting has been read 549 times as of 6:48AM 16/1/04, one could estimate that possibly 549 could of replied.

    So thus theorecitcall, 549*$25 = $13725 before they have done anything!! Of course all 549 won’t reply, but the posting has only been up 1 day! So they will the administration fee’s they will probably rake up enough for another deposit… haha…

    Anyway I wasn’t complaing about the fee, I just wanted to comment on a great entreprenual idea, and if they can get away with it, then as they say in Oz ‘Good on em’ !!



    Profile photo of elveselves
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 507


    You are the only one with the guts? courage to say anything, but I was thinking the same. Yes I looked, Yes I emailed and yes I thought the same, good earner and only a header so far. No offence to DD for their efforts and agreed research cost time and why shouldn’t someone pay for that?

    I would want a receipt in anycase.

    You think how hungry we are for that edge, that extra property adn that extra dollar….after all we have seen the titles, we have seen how many books…sorry Steve…LOL!

    From Margaret Lomas to Robert whats his name (cant spell it) Paul CLitheroe and our good Steve. Now, don’t tell me these poeple havent made it on the wave of free publicity. ANd good luck to them! They have all had incredibly great TV and news articles of them and their books, many sold out as a result of consumer demand…not a bad way to earn a living when most of these books are retail $30 a peiece.

    Add to this the tantilising promotions….day or weekend seminars….join the new enterprise…

    Example, Financial GuruX goes on Tv, promotes self and any selling aid, ususally a book or a free/cost seminar, might even promote a new franchise possibility…or property management scheme….followed by a sign up agreement…and confidentiality agreements…followed by…give me all your personal and financial history….but I wont give you mine…pay a fee for this up front before too much is given away….and bang! Money gone, they know all your details and you might have nothing…

    Now this might not be the case for all, but be warned, it does happen, and while I have experienced part of the above, I refused to give my full details without further info, (it has to be mutual! )$25, I can handle, and that could well be the gist here, its small enough not to bother too much about, about the price for a case of beer isnt it? ( I dont drink beer), an amount you wouldnt be concerned about losing? small and enticing? The carrot dangled…but is it on a string?

    for most people, you might say yep, what the hell, not expensive…so yes well thought plan I guess…

    Anyway, might be a good opportunity, you never know, but we all deserve to be paid for our research and time? just have to consider it an individual choice and can you afford to throw it away? Can you afford to miss a possibly good opportunity? remember there is no such thing as a free lunch!

    consider it said..


    Profile photo of shaunwalkershaunwalker
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 403

    Wish i’d thought of asking 25 dollars for further information, I had my RE agent in darwin ring me asking if i wanted another IP in the same block i already own in. was asking people i know personally if they wanted it.
    perhaps i should put it up for a spotters fee? [:I]

    Lead, Follow or get out of the bloody way

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    surely the properties have sold now and the post can be taken off? I wouldn’t want to be the 500th person handing over the 25 bucks!

    Profile photo of Rugbyfan

    600 now and I think there are still two left.

    ‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’

    Profile photo of kay henry

    It was the same situation for the people who advertised to give away 10 free blocks of land in a rural community (as shown on ACA or whatever). To apply, you had to send $20 to be considered…

    Now how many people would like to get some free land? Heaps! how many people might apply? 500? that’s $10,000! how much would ten blocks of rural land cost? Probably not 10K! So the offer of “free land” actually becomes a moneyspinner for the promoters.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Rugbyfan

    I have a positive cashflow bridge that I am selling. I will send you the details for $20.

    Please logon to to get the payment details.

    Kay – you interested, special deal for you!

    ‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    I like that idea of the free land for a $20 enquiry fee. basically you are running a raffle without having to buy a licence. always more than one way to skin a cat huh?

    Profile photo of kay henry

    Seriously though…

    I reckon I could have had an easier time selling my last IP if I raffled it. I just say I am giving away a “free apartment” at a $20 application fee. Then i get to decide who is the most worthy [:)

    Could 10,000 Australians apply for this most generous offer? I mean, I would have to be such an amazing person to offer such a free and wonderful thing, and everyone would send me such heartfelt letters ;)

    Ok- so I made 200k out of the deal- but don’t be so picky, you lot! someone got a “free” apartment out of it!

    Charity is such a beautiful thing ;)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Well an upfront fee isn’t necessarily a bad thing as such though one would expect to receive some details beforehand.

    Things like : “We have a couple of 3 bedroom houses in our sights in a reasonable size town in the Western region of NSW. the price is respectively $ 80,000 and $ 95,000 and, yes, we consider both to be a good buy.

    If you want further information please note that we require an upfront administration fee just so as to sort out the tire kickers and time wasters from the genuinely interested parties.

    Do send us an email and we will suppply details of our
    bank account. Upon receipt of the goodwill fee we will immediately get in touch. Please supply your mailing address as well so we can send you some photo’s of the property together with some publicity about the town as well.

    I don’t think these guys are fly by nights, just inexperienced and a bit on the naive side.
    I guess they will learn fron the non response how to handle the next project.

    It would even be better if they started a website to show the details.

    Pisces [:o)]

    Profile photo of Rugbyfan

    I hope that once the properties have all been sold, they can put up on this forum what the deals were. I for one would like to know what the figures looked like. Once contracts have been exchanged I can’t see what the hassle would be to post the details.

    Whatcha think?

    ‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    I think the concept is bizzare – imagine going to a home open and they had a collection tin at the door. Or you go to a real estate agents office and they refuse to talk to you until you hand over a crisp 20.

    Profile photo of Rugbyfan

    No different I suppose to a number of wineries in various regions of Australia. They charge $5 for tastings to weed out the people who have no intention of purchasing a bottle of wine from their cellardoor.

    ‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886
    Originally posted by kay henry:

    Seriously though…

    I reckon I could have had an easier time selling my last IP if I raffled it. I just say I am giving away a “free apartment” at a $20 application fee. Then i get to decide who is the most worthy [:)

    kay henry

    Kay if I give you a $30 application fee, would that make me the most worthy?[:o)][}:)

    Profile photo of The DIY Dog WashThe DIY Dog Wash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 696
    Originally posted by Rugbyfan:

    I hope that once the properties have all been sold, they can put up on this forum what the deals were. I for one would like to know what the figures looked like. Once contracts have been exchanged I can’t see what the hassle would be to post the details.

    Whatcha think?

    ‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’

    I agree with Rugby,

    It would be interesting to see what other people on the forum consider as enough of a good deal as to offer it to our peers.

    Leigh K[:D

    Carve your own path and lead the way …

    Profile photo of Matt P

    I would also agree with that. I would like to see the details on those deals [:D

    Cheers Matt

    “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”

    “Isn’t it time for a change?”

    Profile photo of rx2_73

    lol [:)

    it has been very funny reading everyones responses…..

    Definately be interesting to see the figures on the deals in the end….

    I am a little suprised with Steve McKnight endorsing such a posting though…

    However with DD being part of the MAP group I imagine they have run out of money for any more deposits. So Steve has asked them to be inventive in creating some more $$$ for deposits. Well thats my hypothesis on it… and well give them 10/10 for trying it on with us punters !!


    Profile photo of kay henry

    Anyway- how do you know I didn’t click on DynamicDuo’s post 600 times?

    Anyone know of how I can make a post and keep it at the top of the list? Superglue?

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Keeping it at the top ofthe list ?

    That’s easy.

    just look at and thence ask Stephen how to do it.


    Profile photo of Matt P

    well if u had admin rights like i do u could make it sticky [:p][:p]

    Cheers Matt

    “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”

    “Isn’t it time for a change?”

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