All Topics / General Property / Landlords Insurance
After buying my second place at Aldinga Beach,
I’ve decided to get Landlords insurance on my
next property, I can’t get it for my 2nd property
till the tenants are out. If anyone saw ” A Current Affair” about 6/7 weeks ago you wouldn’t insure me either with these tenants. They had trashed a house in Adelaide,mainly Rottweiler damage and left the house, the landlord was looking for them, it turns out there in my house at Aldinga Beach. They now have 5 puppies!!!
They’ve been good in my house, end of lease is in Feb, so there’ll be less worries then. But I need advice on landlords insurance, can any one help?Chow Bronny
I have an overweight tenant on workers comp who has a genetically modified cabbage patch and doesn’t look both ways before crossing.
Anyone have the number for A Current Affair? [
Hi Bronny,
Your property manager should be able to arrange this for you, but after re-reading your post, I guess you manage the properties yourself. Perhaps you could try an insurance broker in your area. They should be able to find the right cover for you.
And I’m really sorry to hear about your tennants and their puppies []
Hope this helps,
Sue []
“Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”
try this mob
give them a call, i’ve found them pretty good.
for 306 dollars i’m fully covered
shaunWe don’t have landlord insurance but perhaps we should. We do have cover on building & contents and public liability.
We have a good RE manager who keeps a very close eye on our properties (we’ve privately nicknamed her ‘the Rotweiler’).
At around $300, it would be quite expensive on all properties. I know it’s tax deductible though.
What do others think? Do you agree that a good manager somewhat negates the need to have landlord insurance?
I certainly saw that program on ACA. Good luck with your property.
I wouldn’t be withour landlord insurance. If the tenant trashes the house or skips, you are covered, to include non payment of rent. If the tenant has a party and the guests cause damage, you are covered for the damage.
Our rental manager for our Queensland properties arranged this without us having to ask, and we have arranged L/L insurance ourselves on our NSW properties. The average would be say 70c a day, not much for even multiple properties when you consider that you could have $10000 of damage and no cover. As you said, it is tax deductible.
As the saying goes – “Dont leave home without it”.
We’ve had some absolutely brilliant tenants who we thought were so good that we didnt need landlords insurance for……$12 000 later we learnt an expensive lesson. Always have it. $300 per year is nothing compared to the loss of having to refit a house, rebuild the backyard and not have any rent coming in in the mean time. We use CGU insurance and they are very good and very reasonably priced. As far as I’m aware you can get insurance on already tenanted properties as long as they are up to date with their rent and have paid there bond. You also have a signed lease with them by the sounds of it so there shouldn’t be any problem.
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