All Topics / Forum Frolic / Poltergeist, check this out
Muppet… im going to be reading that for days ..LOL [
][ ][ ]Regards,
“Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)quote:
Hi ArtyCheck this site out.
Why Only Arty can check this out why not all others?
[ !][ !]Amit… its a secret page, thats only accessable by username “Arty”, or it deletes your hard drive…
you can try it if you like… [
][} ]Regards,
“Why work to the age where you cant enjoy
what you have worked for !.” (Author: Me)muppet ! subject line changed ! cool! [8D][8D][
][ ]Hiya,
Interesting link! Do you play scrabble?
I could relate to the mispelt words link.[ ]Cheerio
Soosh [ ]When a problem is created the solution is created simultaneously
Naughty Poltergeist! I wondered about that cos I didn’t think we could change the subject!!
Moderator, too much power to the platinums here!! Moderator, oh, d’oh, have to be careful, Poltergeist could ban me!![
]So I’ll whisper secretly to the moderators then ……………………………
MelHi Mel
Only the author can change the title line. You can change it when you want to edit your posting.
Oh. i’ve now looked more closely at Poltergeist’s response.[
][ ] I thought he said ‘i subject line changed’. But it’s an exclamation mark![ ]Cheers
Only the author can change the title line. You can change it when you want to edit your posting.Only Author and platinum members can change! [8D][
Poltergeist I thought that you were able to change the titles with your newfound power, and I noticed you were very sensitive that day, so I thought that maybe you did change it.
I apologise.[
MelI think next platinum member could be Mel,muppet or pinky!
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