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  • Profile photo of crashy

    My partner and I confess we love our cats a little too much. They are our ‘substitute children’. The first cat we got 4 yrs ago, a white manx. She has blue eyes and is very pretty, but man what a mole she is! She is deaf also. She is incredibly intelligent. She has about 35 different vocal noises, and once used to them you could swear you were talking to a human. I think she must have been human in a past life. If we dont get up early and feed her, she goes into the bathroom and starts knocking things into the bath. Somehow she knows this makes a racket and draws attention which she diverts to her food bowl. She doesnt like us much, doesnt like to be patted or picked up. I think she thinks we are her servants. She can jump up and open doors, and knows sitting on your chest at 5am annoys us enough to get out of bed and feed her.

    The other cat is a male. he is a little sweety. He cant get enough of us, and loves to be on our lap or between us in bed. he is not too smart though, cant open a door which is a little open. he eats like you would not believe, but strangely prefers dry food to cat meat. he is always doing funny things, makes us laugh. He is ginger and has big floppy lions paws.

    Both are psychotic hunters, im sick of taking out lizards butterflies and grasshoppers. they wont chase the friggin roaches though, damn. the female learnt quickly that a distressed meow when she brings something in results in confiscation, so now she is cunning and silent. amazing.

    Tell us your cat stories…

    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    My family used to have 8 cats (including 6 kitten)and my grand mother 21 cats. one of kitten used to sit on my father bald head (when he watches TV).

    Profile photo of wilandelwilandel
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 761

    We have 2 cats, called Sooty & Tiger.

    Just lately, the last week or two, everyday when I go out the back door, I just about stand on bits of dead birds – GROSE [:O]. (It’s Sooty – the female I think, cos Tiger is too slow). They are bringing them right to the back door to show us. YUCK!!!!!!

    They are neutered, and sleep on our dog’s hammock snuggled in blankets under the verandah at night time, (because our dog – golden retriever is too scared to climb on to it – He sleeps in the horse stable on the straw, and loves it).

    Sorry bird lovers, but they haven’t eaten any endangered or nice birds yet…

    We do feed them at night time!


    Profile photo of crashy


    our ginger one is named tiger….with big floppy lions paws and stripes what choice did we have? lol

    my cats compete to see who can find the biggest lizard. the female bought in a 2 foot long thing last week, it was not happy Jan.

    Profile photo of Arty

    We have 6 cats..

    Gizmo – female..grey fluffy sorta thing.
    Pepsi – fluffy sorta thing.
    Gadget – male..BIG tabby with a bad streak.
    Sunny –, white, ginger quiet type.
    Storm – female..daughter of sunny tabby color.
    Boof – male..son of sunny ginger color.




    Profile photo of hgwellshgwells
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 127

    2 – Jasper a seal tabby point Birman and Annabelle a seal point Birman. Fluffy blue eyed semi long haired cuties who rule the house. Mainly indoor cats but do go out for a play when Dad comes home from work – always with bells on so the local birdlife have time to bolt before they come a prowling. Annabelle is very protective of her surrounds, one day a small kangaroo jumped onto the vacant land next door, she dropped into the hunting crouch and my Husband laughed so hard – then the roo took off and she went off after it – he didn’t find it so funny having to chase her for 10 mins to get her back home!!!! HG

    Profile photo of crashy


    my cats get heckled by the birds around here, they will never catch one i think

    Profile photo of Arty

    Crashy.. thats one of the reasons why we dont have Birds as pets … [}:)

    It would be very bad for their nerves .. [:D



    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    I love cat people!! Ima cat people toooo!! Arty never used to be…but for some weird reason when a stray cat needs a home..they come to us! so…artys a cat person too!! LOL

    ~ If at first you dont succeed…destroy ALL evidence you ever tried to begin with! ~

    Profile photo of Arty

    Pinky…. but im a manly cat lover …LOL [:D



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