My computer freezed everytime I clicked on the Search button, mind you winter is already over in Brisbane. I just could not open the search page.[]
Anybody experienced the same problem and know how to solve it? Thanks!
Prop, it is ok. THat sometimes happens to me. I just recently defragged my hard drive and that seems to help.
Go to your start menu, then all programs, accessories, system tools and then do disc clean up first then do a defragment on your hard drive. It tidies up all the loose files on your computer and gets rid of unused ones so your computer runs better.
but I defrag and clean the C: drive every second week. The message “the Program is not responding keep coming up” and I have to restart the browser again.
Any idea from the computer wizards?
Hi Prop16,
Both hubby and myself had trouble opening any of the pages last night approx 7PM AEST. [!] We were on 2 seperate computers on 2 seperate dial ins. [xx(] Just assumed it was a server problem with the propertyinvesting website. Working fine tonight. [8D]
My computer freezed everytime I clicked on the Search button, mind you winter is already over in Brisbane. I just could not open the search page.[]
Anybody experienced the same problem and know how to solve it? Thanks!